Acclimation Time - The Drip Method


This shrimp is so good it needs to be seen in wide
Sep 16, 2003
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As I am beginning my nano SW, I am starting to prapare to get saltwater inverts. I realise that inverts are most greatly shocked by water changes then most fish are. I know how to do the drip method now, but I am wondering how many drips per second I should allow for each inverts as some are more sensitive than others.

Snails, hermits/crabs, brittlestars, starfish, shrimp.

I would like to know how many drips per second each of these require.

tnx. :thumbs:
I myself would have the same time for all of these, and
that would be roughly 1 drip per 1-2 seconds.
About the same as hyrookin, although I might take a bit longer on the starfish than everything else due to the number of places I've read they react badly to rapidly changing salinities.

ps. its also useful to know the approximate water conditions of the tank/ shop you are getting the animals from in judging the acclimitisation time.
As the others have said, about 2 drips per second and i too would give the starfish a lot longer to acclimatise. They are the lest hardy of the things you're getting and despite doing everything correct can even die months after introduction due to acclimatisation problems.

What Starfish are you thinking of getting?
Aquascaper said:
What Starfish are you thinking of getting?
I have been considering the 'Australian Biscuit Star'. It's the bright orange one in my avatar. Information on the internet for it seems to be ultra scarce. :/
Bummer, i see them all the dead decorations, yuk....

Keep lookin, youll be bound to find something, im on school comps, but ill have a look at home in an awsome book ive got. :thumbs: If i recall, it was in there...
as dead decorations? - Do you mean dryed up ones as ornaments or real ones that die a lot?

If this sea star is too weak then i might not bother, anyway help is still obliged. :thumbs: tnx miagi.
No No, lol, i meant those dried out ones people sell. Its pretty sad. If ya gonna buy one, wouldnt ya prefer the real macoy! I know SW tanks are expensive, but those dried out shells are disgusting..... :sick: Personal taste i spose.... :thumbs:

Anyways, sure, i will try and find it tonight! Im at uni now though.....
ok kewl, thanks - yeah id definatly prefer the real one - try and find out about it if you can. I failed to find anything. :/

tnx. :thumbs:
Do you know what species it is Eelzor? Ive got two here. They kinda look like yours, but i dont think they are. I think they look like yours and that is what made me think about it.

-Fromia monilis

-Fromia nodosa

-Just for refference.........

It is pretty dam hard to find stuff on them though.
-Fromia monilis

-Fromia nodosa

It's not those first 2.


-Just for refference.........

It's definately those in both those links.

It seems the name of this starfish is different all over the web and to make matters more complicated, there not always the same starfish.

Vermillion Sea Star
Sea Biscuit
Australian Biscuit Star
and I could go on...

I have however found that the scientific name is "Pentagonaster duebeni" if that helps.

I have also found that this german site says they are as hard as keeping saltwater rays. :/ (If you follow there difficulty level, it ranks from 1-4 and clown fish are in 2, sharks are in 3 and rays are in 4, etc. And I looked up the sea biscuit and it was 4, so :dunno: )

This is the german site link -

Dam, info seems to be so scare for this starfish - maybe it wouldn't do harm to just ask the manager at the fish store. -_-

Anyway, hope I can make it any easier for you miagi - you've made it easier for me as is yet. :)
Aquascaper said:
My personal opinion would be if information is so hard to find on this particualr starfish stay away from it :dunno:
Indeed, that is my decision. :nod:

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