acclimating fish?


Aug 17, 2004
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Mesa, Arizona-US
I got my fish just now and started acclimating them. I was going to acclimate them for 2 hours like I did the snails and crabs and shrimp, but I think i've heard somewhere that fish only need about half as long to acclimate. Am I being too impatient if I put them in after only 1 hour :p ?
Everyones different when adding new stock. I can take anything from 20 mins to an hour maybe more. It depends on what it is your adding and how far its traveled. Sometimes I think it is better to get the fish into the tank quickly as keeping it in the bag may do more harm than good. As a general rule I'd say drip water in for 1/2 an hour to an hour and you will be fine with most fish.

I ended up acclimating them for just over an hour. I also left the lights off for a bit, but I opened the blinds a little bit so they would start getting used to the light again. I was just curious as to how long other people usually take :whistle:
are you using the drip method. If you are a good time would be about 3 hours. The good thing about it is that u dont need to do anything. Just get it started and let it sit.
I don't have a drip regulator thingy (is that the technical term :lol: ) so I just add half an oz of water every 5 minutes for an hour or 2. I have a turkey baster I use to measure it all out, i can also use the baster to take water out...I rinse it out afterof course :sick:
I float the bag for 15 mins. then drip for 30 min. I have never had a loss from acclimation. Just thought I would give another perspective on it.
Being in a bag and seeing safe harbohr but not being able to reach it can be stressful on fish. Just something to thing about.
J-Money said:
I don't have a drip regulator thingy (is that the technical term :lol: )
Its called an air line with a loose knot in, looser the knot, the more drips :p

yeah. What drip regulatory thingy are u talking about. put the fish in a 5 g bucket and then thread the airline tubing into the tank and above the bucket. suck on the one end a little to ge tthe drip started but let your mouth off b4 the water gets to yur side and let it drip.

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