Acceptable Temperature Deviation?


New Member
Mar 14, 2006
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Norfolk UK
Hey all, what is an acceptable range of deviation from a set temperature? i.e. if you are looking for an ideal of 78f what is an acceptable fluctation from that figure?

As a sideshoot to this, I have a small (5ukg) tank with just water in it (I use it to prepare water for changes in a 15 gallon tank,) and its got an 100watt heater in it.Yes I know its overkill but its for a bigger tank eventually. Anyway, could using a heater that large in a small tank create too great a range of temperature before the thermostat kicks out?

I hasten to add,wouldn't run it like that if there was fish in it, but ideal to get water conditioned and up to temp before putting in main tank.

What do you think?
I guess it depends on the make. If you want to be certain, you might want to contact the manufacturer.
when i do water changes i do something similar.

i have an 80 litre bin that i fill with water and then i jus chuck a spare heater i have in and let it warm the water ready for adding to the tank.

my tanks range from 25 - 30 degrees and i use the same temp in my bin for all those with no problem.
Sorry,seems a bit vague now I've read it to myself...Right,start again.....In any given tank,how far from a given temperature, either higher or lower, is deemed acceptable? and more to the point,at what point does it start to harm or distress the fish?
my tanks range from 25 - 30 degrees and i use the same temp in my bin for all those with no problem.
:crazy: that's extremly high - if you actually have a tank at 30 degrees (86F). Why ?
Sorry,seems a bit vague now I've read it to myself...Right,start again.....In any given tank,how far from a given temperature, either higher or lower, is deemed acceptable? and more to the point,at what point does it start to harm or distress the fish?

The temperature difference shouldn't be more than 2 degrees.

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