Ac 70 Current Too Strong


Jun 2, 2008
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AC 70 Current too strong


I have a Aqua Clear 70 + Aqua Clear 30 On a 75 Gallon tank.

I would like to reduce the current on the 70 and possibly exchange the 30 for another 70.

Any ideas how I could achieve this?
Why reduce the flow? If my research is right then the 70 filters 400g an hour, you could run 2 of those in a 75g tank without too much trouble :) Would give you just over 10x per hour, thats high but not stupidly so.
Its for a Piranha ...

I have a AC70 running on the right side of the tank and the AC30 on the left.

He likes to sit looking at people from the left side of the tank.

i didn't want to discourage the behavour by putting in another fast flow.

I thought having them on both sides of the tank would be better then the 2 AC 70s side by side.

But I would love the flow and filtration of 2 x 70s.
Well then looks like you need to choose, you want the flow for you or peace for the fish :)
Wow I was expecting someone to say maybe with a peice of plastic and silicone I could probably spread the flow making the stream not so direct ... But your right the flow would be good ... I guess I will have to think about it.
I just bought the ac 70 and put it on ... he seems ok.

I obviously don't have a really way of measuring but the plants seem motionless so I know there is alot of places to get out of the current.

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