Abundance Of Cory Fry And Eggs.


Fish Addict
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
west midlands,uk
i currently have 2 batches of cory eggs that have hatched, i dont think i have lost a single fry yet, however my one fry tank has gravel so its hard to tell.
my corys laid 100+ eggs over the course of lastnight and i HAD to rescue them :rolleyes: so im probably going to end up with alot of baby cory kittens!

anyway, ive had an idea :good:

2 local lfs's will buy the surplus juviniles that i dont keep and the rest i was thinking of making a corydora only tank, so a species tank really.

im asking for your ideas to make the perfect cory tank. any input would be fantastic and if you can post pics of tank ideas that would be amazing too :)

many thanks in advance!

hi, for a perfect cory tank, you should try to get the biggest floor space possible. use a sand substrate, and try not to have loads of decor that will take up too much floor space. if you want to breed them then clumps of java moss are good, as are thermometers.

HTH. :good:
sand substrate, decent flow, lots of floor space, a few pieces of wood, a scattering of pebbles, floating plants and somewhere for them to escape lika a coconut cave.....

sounds just like mine :hyper:
Good luck with the fry,sounds has though you got your hands full :good:
Here's a pic of my fry tank,i have bits of moss ball & pebbles for the smaller fry to hang out under,loads of pygmy fry under there at the moment :)

hi Harlequins,

that looks nice, i didnt think to put anything in the fry tanks for them to hide in or under, might get some coconuts tomorrow, eat them and use the half shells covered in java moss :) also in the pic is that a live plant?

in your sig, what are the black corys? called.
Thanks,its basic but serves its purpose :)

Yes it is live plants,was surplus from the adult pygmy tank next door,i put them in there to root,but the fry seems to like hanging out in the leaves :lol:

The black corys are Black schultzi corys,they're lush aren't they :drool: :lol:
Harlequins has a box filter in there too. They are very handy for fry tanks. I found sponge filters to be a bit of a nuisance, so once the fry are big enough to keep from being sucked into the filter I go right to the box filter. Before then I just rely on big, daily water changes to keep the tanks clean,

It looks like you keep your fry in the luxury suite, Harlequins. :thumbs:
Thanks inchworm :)

I agree about the sponge filter,i had one in my original tank,but they are a pain,they either get bunged up or the suckers lose their suction! :rolleyes:
The box filter was a good buy,think it cost around £4 from ebay,and came with media,but i removed the gravel & charcoal and filled it with mature floss i had spare in my external :good:

It has just 4 tri fry now has the 6 juvi's are in the main tank,but i think there's around 30 pygmy fry in there :)

The black corys are Black schultzi corys,they're lush aren't they :drool: :lol:

im ordering some tomorrow, they look fantastic :wub:
Good luck :good: ,they can be quite expensive depending where you get them,maidenhead wanted £17 each for them :S
ive seen then for 5 for £25 from chilton aquatics if i remember right...... shame they didnt deliver :sad:

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