Absolute tank newbie


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2004
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I just got a 10 gallon, cause that's all that can fit in my room :/
i need a sort of checklist of what i need for it, cause right now i just have the tank, some gravel, and a food ring...
i was thinking about getting a tetra whisper 10 gallon pump, a hagen quick filter, and some airstones, but i don't have a clue as to seting it up or cycling it without fish :S
i need help! thanks
Congratulations on your new tank. I'd recommend reading this pinned thread:

New Tank Syndrome

For beginners (I consider myself a beginner too) I recommend getting a good newbie book, as they are invaluable for a reference later on and can save you a lot of trouble in the here and now.

I recommend this book. This book does contain a checklist of equipment that you will need to get and the stuff you can live without for now. Hope that helps.

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