absolute beginner!


New Member
Jun 15, 2004
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Hi there, I'm new to this fish keeping thing, (kids persuaded me)!!
I've been given a tank with a hood, nothing else, no lights pump or anything.
what do i do to start it all off?
the tank's approx 48"x 18" x12"
any ideas.............anyone?? :wub:
I am relatively new myself but just went through the whole "what do I get" ordeal so it is still pretty fresh in my memory... it wound up being a lot more than I thought... anyway, you need a proper filter, lighting, air pump (I connected mine to two airstones), heater and thermometer, gravel & plants (fake or real, I went with fake), food (start with flakes), test kits (for ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, ph and alkalinity), water conditioner (to treat tap water and dechloronize it, I think one brand is called Aquasafe), maintenance things like a gravel cleaner, bucket for water changes, siphon for water changes and a fish net. I think that is a good start... oh and also a good Beginner fish book. I know it seems like a lot!

Read the message boards for cycling tips, etc, and how often to add fish. Lots to know there too!

Good luck!
Not sure where you live but I found a great book called Tropical Fishlopaedia - a complete guide to fish care by Mary Bailey and Peter Burgess. It helped me loads when I was setting up.

Other than that, I think my friend above has covered most other things.

Is it's tropical fish you're setting up, a good starter would be to get some Platys, fairly inexpensive, easy to keep, good community fish and are pretty hardy too so they can usually tolerate the ups and downs of a new aqarium.

Good luck and kee us posted with how it's going.
*playing the cheapskate card* You don't _need_ an air pump - but they look nice, help with oxygenation and some fish like to play in the bubbles....You can also get by with just ammonia/nitriate/nitrate test kits (theres not much you can do about ph/kh/gh when you start anyway so don't worry 'bout em too much)

Time to hit eBay :) They have a whole section for fish related gubbins....

aj xx
r u planing to go tropical? if so, find out the wattage of heater u'll need (50W, 100 W etc). this will depend on the size and volume of your tank
Hi, kieron. There's some good advice in this thread already (although personally, I consider an air pump/stone to be decorative only), but here's one thing that may help you as you're pricing out equipment:

From the dimensions you listed, you've got a '55 gallon tank'.

Also, I don't think anyone's mentioned it, but that tank (full) will probably weigh between 500 and 600 pounds. You'll need a good, sturdy stand for it -- I probably wouldn't just set it on a table or dresser.

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