Abrasion? Or worse? On dwarf gourami


New Member
Mar 14, 2021
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So I’m going to fill out the template provided but essentially I just got home from work and my powder blue dwarf gourami has an odd area in his head/face that looks almost like an abrasion....

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): I’ve included some decent pictures of the lesions but essentially he’s acting normal. He’s poking around picking at his surroundings and eating etc. and yesterday he appeared fine. This has I’ve had him over a month and he’s been very healthy. He did develop a few dark spots on his tail fin after having him a few weeks but I though it was just a color change because they didn’t look like anything.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: I change about 1/3 to 1/2 of my water every 2 weeks and rinse my filters at the same time in old tank water.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: flourish added once per week to help my plants. Nothing else. Filter media consists of a sponge filter and a fluval HOB that has a large sponge, activated carbon, zeolite, and bio max media.

Tank inhabitants: 5 black skirt tetra, 5 Buenos Aires tetra, 3 dwarf scissor tail rasboras, 1 common pleco, 1 rubber lip pleco, 1 yo-yo loach, and the dwarf gourami in question.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): nothing new in over 1 month.

Exposure to chemicals: none that I’m aware of...

Tank size: 55 gal
Tank age: almost 4 months
Ph: 8.5
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: Averages 20 - 40 pending if the water was just changed or due for a change.
Kh: 20
Gh: 0-30 ppm
Temp: 79-80

So what does everyone think? Is it possibly just an abrasion? Or do I need to treat my tank? Treat him? If it is something bad what should I treat with? Thanks in advance!


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Is it those two lighter streaks in between his eyes? Doesn’t really look like an abrasion, maybe just a scratch.

Performing large daily water changes will heal that quickly. You can also add aquarium salt to the tank to reduce the chances of infection.
Is it those two lighter streaks in between his eyes? Doesn’t really look like an abrasion, maybe just a scratch.

Performing large daily water changes will heal that quickly. You can also add aquarium salt to the tank to reduce the chances of infection.
Yes it’s those two scratches! My mother in law (who is a fish expert) said the same. So I feel sooo much better now that I’ve had two experienced people tell me it doesn’t look like a big deal. Thank you so much ?

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