

New Member
Feb 3, 2004
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I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with the Abramite? The fish is really unique. Anyone had any? Have any advice for me? Oh and I had to return one of my RTBS's, when I bought them, I didn't know you shouldn't have more than one in a tank. So along with him back to the Petstore went the bossiest of my dwarf puffers. I got 2 Dwarf's left that seem to be getting along with everyone fine (I'm keeping my fingers crossed) :kana:

WOw did I post this in the wrong section?
When small Abramites hypselonotus, (Marbled Headstander), is quite inoffensive and likes lots of hiding places. It is also a fairly extreme plant eater, so make sure you offer it plenty of vegetable food if you want to keep a good plant stock.

As they get bigger, (can grow up to 6"/150mm), they become "aggressive". They will nip the odd fin of anything that wanders by, but have a habit of "bothering" fish without actually seeming to do much damage. If you have things in the tank with them that are likely to be stressed by close attention, then they will be. They are not evil though.

They were a daily site in the fish market in Manaus when I was in Brazil. The locals eat a lot of them.

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