About To Switch To Salt Water!


New Member
Jun 29, 2009
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okay. so im planning on going salt water.
i have done great with freshwater in the past.

what i basically need to know is...everything!

ill probly get a 55 to 75 gal for saltwater.
heres my list of questions:
what is nitrate?
live rock?

much appreciated if you take the time to help acknowledge me!

okay. so im planning on going salt water.
i have done great with freshwater in the past.

:hi: and welcome to the salty side
what i basically need to know is...everything!

ill probly get a 55 to 75 gal for saltwater.

:good: good choice, bigger is better, more stable

heres my list of questions:

what is nitrate?

Put simply it is the end product of your cycle:
first comes an ammonia spike
then a nitrite spike
and finally a nitrate spike

when your nitrate is below 10 you can add your cuc

live rock?

Most of us use Live rock as our filter


I am assuming you mean sponges in a cannister or the like - dump them


Aragonite sand, don't buy so called 'live' sand, it's a gimmick - the only live sand will be had from the ocean or a mature tank


You get what you pay for in heater - buy something like a rena smart - you will need a heater with the same amount of watts as litres of water

much appreciated if you take the time to help acknowledge me!

No problem


Seffie x


Just remember, the only stupid question is the one not asked :crazy:
In addition to asking the questions, read. read and read some more. The less you know in advance the more likely you are to fail and failure often comes with a high price tag.

There are always things to learn about marine fish keeping, thats why mosts of us have to morgage our homes for this hobby :hyper:

Hope everything goes well

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