about to start tank cycling (w/fish) ... help!

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Fish Fanatic
Apr 18, 2004
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Could you start your tank cycling with a whole bunch of feeder guppies? I have 3 partying by themselves in my 75 gallon tank right now (stole 'em from my girlfriend's Leaf Fish. He'd already eaten like 8 of 'em).

If larger, "real" fish are needed to start cycling, I've heard that Cherry Barbs are decent ones to get the ball rolling, and I like 'em. Any input?

I know people say to only add about 3 fish at a time, but does this apply to larger tanks as well, or can more be added with a 75G?
Normal stocking for cycling with fish is one inch of fish per five gallons. So you could have a few more fish in there. I have never cycled with barbs but they are pretty hardy fish. I normally use either danios or platies. Good luck with it :)
I'm something of a fan of cycling with fish, and I don't think there's anything wrong with it as long as you do it right and carefully. Mother Nature works it all out, so there's no way to flub it up. The two keys are having patience, and using as few a fish as you can get by with to kickstart the cycle.

The "rule of thumb" is one inch of fish per five gallons of water, but I used about one inch per eight gallons, to err on the side of the fish's comfort a bit. Just have patience. With so few fish, it may take a few days before ammonia is even measurable. The tank will cycle fine, though. As always, seed material from another tank (speaking of stealing from your girlfriend *cough cough*) and/or BioSpira, if you fancy, will help as well.

pendragon said:
As always, seed material from another tank (speaking of stealing from your girlfriend *cough cough*) and/or BioSpira, if you fancy, will help as well.

Seeding with other material from an existing tank it a great idea. When I did my 29 gallon, I used gravel from my 15 at first, and my ammonia only got to .25. Then when the nitrites started to rise, I used the filter from my 10. Only took 4 days for the nitrites to disapear. BTW I used Red Wag Platties to cycle (hadn't heard about fishless yet) and they had their first babies about 2 weeks later, so I don't think the suffered any harm.


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