About To Set Up A 36 Gallon Adf Tank


Fish Addict
Jun 24, 2007
Reaction score
Smack Dab in the Center of the Good Ol' U.S. of A
I am about to set up a 36 gallon ADF tank, and I'll have about 20 in there (for a full list of inhabitants, see my profile), but there's one fish in specific that I want in there, I've owned hundreds, but I'm not sure about this:
Could I rear a small (2") Black Ghost Knifefish in my ADF tank, or will he eat all of my frogs and other inhabitants??

Help please!

Well a good rule for ACFs is 10 gallons per frog, so you might need to reconsider how many frogs you are going to get. Black Ghost Knifefish need atleast 50 gallons and ACFS can get very aggressive so I wouldn't put one with the frogs,
Well a good rule for ACFs is 10 gallons per frog, so you might need to reconsider how many frogs you are going to get. Black Ghost Knifefish need atleast 50 gallons and ACFS can get very aggressive so I wouldn't put one with the frogs,

Are referring to African Clawed Frogs or African Dwarf Frogs? I'm referring to African Dwarf Frogs, not the big, clawed variety.

And I'm just raising the Black Ghost in there. As soon as he gets over 9 inches, he's going into the 120 I have.

I've never heard of that rule. I'd say you could have one for every 2.5 gallon. Not sure about the knifefish.

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