About To Dive Into The World Of Marine.. Suggestions Welcomed!


Fish Crazy
Aug 3, 2003
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Hey Guys,

I'm just finishing preparations to setup a marine aquarium (first time).
This is my current list of equipment.. Some I already have, others soon to arrive.
I welcome any comments or suggestions you have.

I'm thinking to start the aquarium off FO at first, then slowly as the aquarium matures start to introduce a few live rock etc.

P.s. I know salt is missing. But the white stuff seems to be worth its weight in gold..

Vision 260 (I've removed the internal filter box, was a bit of an eyesaw + seemed to take up too much room)

1x Arcadia Marine blue tube light
1x Arcadia Marine white tube light

1x Tetratec EX1200
1x Fluval 404
1x Protein skimmer
1x Juwel heater
6x Power heads + bio balls (Prob wornt use all the powerheads, 3/4 at most. I have no idea what the bio balls are used for..)
1x unbranded dual airpump (came free from the aquarium, might upgrade it at some point to a quiter model.. maybe tetratec?)

25kg New Coral Graval Sand
10kg Used Coral Sand (Used in a mature marine aquarium for about 12 months, thought it might be a good thing for my virgin setup)
25kg Ocean Rock (Not too sure if this will be enough for a decent aquascape?)
20LBS Caribsea Arag live sand (I'm planning on mixing it together with my coral gravel/sand)
1x Large dead coral

1x Handheld TDS metre
1x Reverse osmosis filter
1x Instent Ocean Hydrometer
1x Digital Thermometer

Am I missing anything?
Couple thoughts. Ditch the airpump as using air in saltwater systems (outside of skimmers) leads to lots of salt creep. Also, stick with sand only. Coral gravel is difficult to clean and could have a tendency to become septic longterm. A mix of gravel and sand has no place in a display tank :good:
But how do i aerate the aquarium otherwise?
You use powerheads. For reef tanks you generally need about 20x the tank's volume in flowrate but I think you could have less because it's not a reef.
Alright guys,

1) I've managed to get the seller to swap graval over to fine coral sand.
2) Removed the airpump from my setup.

Do you think 3-4 powerheads will be enough for my 260Lt aquarium? or would I need more?

Also how on earth do you people get so much distilled water? I've got an RO filter, but it seems like I might have to leave it running consistantly for atleast 72hours to get that much water.

Are there any easier/quicker ways around this?

Also do you think there is anything else I need?
these aren't your friends

erm, some hidden meaning here?

Do you think 3-4 powerheads will be enough for my 260Lt aquarium? or would I need more?

Also how on earth do you people get so much distilled water? I've got an RO filter, but it seems like I might have to leave it running consistantly for atleast 72hours to get that much water.

Are there any easier/quicker ways around this?

What movement of water do the powerheads produce, you are looking to turn the volume of your tank over 20x per hour

What is the output of your RO unit, how many filters? My 50GPD will produce 20ltr of RODI water in 5-6hrs at 50psi and a mains temp of approx 10C
these aren't your friends

erm, some hidden meaning here?

Do you think 3-4 powerheads will be enough for my 260Lt aquarium? or would I need more?

Also how on earth do you people get so much distilled water? I've got an RO filter, but it seems like I might have to leave it running consistantly for atleast 72hours to get that much water.

Are there any easier/quicker ways around this?

What movement of water do the powerheads produce, you are looking to turn the volume of your tank over 20x per hour

What is the output of your RO unit, how many filters? My 50GPD will produce 20ltr of RODI water in 5-6hrs at 50psi and a mains temp of approx 10C

My powerheads are the following 1200Lt 1500Lt 1800Lt & 2400Lt. TBH I dont really know what I want to do with them, someone meantioned to me before that it was a requirement for a good marine tank.. plus something about water movement.

I dont know too much details about the RO unit as it came with my aquarium,
I do however have a picutre of it, http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=202753&hl= is that any help?
My powerheads are the following 1200Lt 1500Lt 1800Lt & 2400Lt. TBH I dont really know what I want to do with them, someone mentioned to me before that it was a requirement for a good marine tank.. plus something about water movement.

Generally, there are 3 types of water movement - surge, laminar flow and random turbulence. By positioning opposing forces (i.e. two water flows directed at each other) the flows will create a random torrent as found the sea. You could start with 1 PH one each corner of the tank pointed slightly downward at the opposing corner, this should create some mega turbulence!! :good:

I dont know too much details about the RO unit as it came with my aquarium,
I do however have a picutre of it, http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=202753&hl= is that any help?

You have a 3 stage (sediment, carbon and RO), the RO unit and regulator will determine your flow rate. You may be able to change the RO and reg for a larger output. RO unit efficiency are based on temperature of incoming water (if its cold like mine, buy about 20meters of cable and drop it in a bucket with a heater!!), the TDS of your incoming water and importantly pressure. If your pressure is low (sub 45PSI) you will be best to buy a booster pump. Do a search on RO-MAN

Hope this helps :blink:
My water pressures pretty good, infact it might be a little too high for the RO unit, as water leaks from the inlet pipe that connects to the tap when I open the tap completly. So I only open it 1/4 which seems to work well.

So hot water is better for the RO unit? Does it matter how hot? As the tap I connect the unit to has both hot and cold water.

I'm gonna go buy a large 210Lt water butt from B&Q today. Planning on leaving it in my bathtub with the RO unit running constently. If it overflows then no problem as the excess water will just go down the drain. There isnt a watermetre in my area yet, so might be the perfect time.
My water pressures pretty good, infact it might be a little too high for the RO unit, as water leaks from the inlet pipe that connects to the tap when I open the tap completly. So I only open it 1/4 which seems to work well.

So hot water is better for the RO unit? Does it matter how hot? As the tap I connect the unit to has both hot and cold water.

I'm gonna go buy a large 210Lt water butt from B&Q today. Planning on leaving it in my bathtub with the RO unit running constently. If it overflows then no problem as the excess water will just go down the drain. There isnt a watermetre in my area yet, so might be the perfect time.

Dude, NO HOT WATER!!! Room temperature at best, check the unit manufacturers website for max temp, it will kill the RO membrane. May also be worth buying a pressure gauge so you know how its operating. Nice one for not having water meter!

Last night I left my unit on membrane flush all night, cant think how much water I wasted and I've flooded the kitchen twice ha ha....
My TDS meter arrived today.

Tested it out on mains is 531.

RO water is 96..

The unit is def working, but is 96 acceptable?
My TDS meter arrived today.

Tested it out on mains is 531.

RO water is 96..

The unit is def working, but is 96 acceptable?

UPDATE: I've left the RO Unit running for about 30mins now, the TDS has dropped to about 15 now.
Does that make any sence??
Do you have a flushing system on your membrane? What is your input water temperature?

15 is good based on the TDS of your input

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