About Planted Betta Tanks


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Oct 18, 2005
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So I have a 2.5 gallon rectangular tank where I house my betta sphinx.

I have a very hardy java fern, some kind of sword plant that has survived several tank situations and some kind of plant that grows sectionally. I dont know what it is. I gave half the bunch to my dad for his 10g community tank and its doing well. But in my tank it started decaying. The leaves got all mushy and some kind of weird algae-scummy like stuff started growing that was whitish but I'm not even sure its algae. I was thinking that the drift wood I had in there could have been causing the problem so I threw it out and cleaned the tank, substrate, plants, water. (all tonight)

Also, I had gotten a few stow away snails (on purpose) to minimally house keep, but two of them died. :angry: One is left and seems fine. Theres also snail eggs in the corner of the tank and I've decided to leave them there as a gauge for the tank and how its doing.

Now, I dont know if the plants with the problem will continue to decay or if they'll do better, but if not, I'd like to know if anyone else has any idea whats going on? I'd also like to know if these dont survive, what minimal maintenace plants would do well in this set up? :/

As for water conditioning, I use stress coat, and cycle.

Sphinx himself has been doing fine. He seemed annoyed at the condition of the water (scum crud) but had been building his nest and swimming around and eating normally...

So unless I've left anything out, I guess thats it! Let me know guys! I'd love to have a nicer planted tank for sphinx cause he's just so cool!

China :hyper:
How much light does the tank get?

The plants sound like they are missing out on the basic nutrients for their survival. You will need a light on the tank, to get the plants to survive.

I'm not professing to be an expert, but i'd be leaning towards slow growing plants that don't require too much in the way of additional fertilisers.

Hope this helps.
Don't really know about what kind of plants to get, but I am going to assume that you may need more lighting also.... and about the snails... that seems weird that they both died...I have been told that snails can and do go into hibernation though, so there is good chance that they aren't dead....... so you might wanna check into that.....
yeah we need to know more about the condiitions in your tank...

amount of light, temperature, etc...

How often do you do water changes? For 2.5 gallon tank I would consider changing the water weekly.

Also, what kind of snails do you have? I'm guessing they're not Trumpet Snails as those are live bearing.

I got 2 types of snails for free from the pet store... trumpet snails and some other small snails. All of the small ones seem to have died.... but the trumpet snails are doing well and reproducing.
Anubas nana (sp?) can survive just about anything but the untimate survivor plants (but not very pretty) are moss balls.
I dont provide lighting through bulbs cause I previously never needed to. I had a betta before that I had had for about 3 years and though I had a top on the tank, it wasnt large enough to keep him from jumping. He died and disappeared (cat musta seen where he went...) and the plants I had did fine before. It was just those new plants and the wood that I changed. The lighting is natural. I've positioned the tank in an area of my room where like, a corner gets sunlight for a couple hours a day. I didnt ever have a green algae problem either. So I dont know... Now I have a lid that pretty much covers the tank, so the air is humid and not cold. So basically, I dont have the most controlled temp or lighting. :/

I change the water about every week. its not always RIGHT on schedule cause I run around a lot, but its generally that.

The snails really did die cause she shell was all that was left. I'm thinking that maybe the water condition before was too much or there was just something wrong with them and they died and then the better mighta eaten em.... again he seems fine though. and when the whitish-scummy stuff was back in the water after just a day, before, now with the wood out its still clear.... I dont know. I guess I'm just gonna continue to observe.


-please dont get mad!- :unsure:
First off, changing a 2.5 gallon with 1 Betta in it every 1-1 1/2 weeks is fine. With snails, you'll need more water changes and cleanings as they are dirty! I'm pretty sure the Betta did suck them out of their shells... it happens a LOT! :rolleyes:

If I were you, I'd ditch the nasty plant and just use a couple more nice Java Ferns, Water Sprite and Cabomba.. and maybe some Java/Willow Moss. They require very low light and are not messy and I've had no algae problems at all with any of these. :) good luck!
Java moss I havent had much luck with. doesnt seem to wanna root well. But I can definitely get more java fern. I really love that hardy plant. One day if I can get myself a huge planted community tank, I want tons of java fern!

And I can definitely see how sphinx would suck oout the snails cause when I first put them in the tank he flared up and tried it! :look:

I'm going to go google water sprites cause I'm not familiar with them, and thanks for the tip!

China ;)
I would definitely recommend water sprites. Some others are anacharis, it's wonderful, growth is very fast and it's extremely easy grow, not to mention it hardly needs any light.

A very good site for plant hardiness, etc is this one - http://www.plantedtank.net/plantsstem.html
Anubas nana (sp?) can survive just about anything but the untimate survivor plants (but not very pretty) are moss balls.

lots of people like moss balls, they don't look the most natural but they are pretty cool.
I just ordered 5 of them last night... I hear that if you don't roll them to keep them round they'll grow out and form a carpet, which is the look I'm after ;)

Java moss I havent had much luck with. doesnt seem to wanna root well.
It can live without rooting though, can't it?
First off, changing a 2.5 gallon with 1 Betta in it every 1-1 1/2 weeks is fine. With snails, you'll need more water changes and cleanings as they are dirty! I'm pretty sure the Betta did suck them out of their shells... it happens a LOT! :rolleyes:

If I were you, I'd ditch the nasty plant and just use a couple more nice Java Ferns, Water Sprite and Cabomba.. and maybe some Java/Willow Moss. They require very low light and are not messy and I've had no algae problems at all with any of these. :) good luck!

No Cabomba, even the most hardy species, Cabomba Carolina and Cabomba palaeformis, need moderate light, the rest need very bright light. I agree with all other choices, but Cabomba may fall apart in your tank.
So the tank is still very clear. :hyper: I saw the snail yesterday but no sign today... Theres new eggs though...

The plant that was doing so bad before is mostly fine now. Atleast its not decaying at some insanely rapid pace. The lack of plants is kinda sad though cause I know sphinx wants some more hiding areas. And I've been on the look out online and in petstores for plants... I saw a very weird variety of java fern that is already attached to driftwood, which I'm considering... But I'm still not quite sure.

And of course, the plant that's been with goldfish and bettas and community fish is alive and strong. Sometimes I wonder if there are really strong strains of plants. Cause I thought this one was a sword that needed more light (which I found out later) but now I dont even know. sometimes you just cant tell.

No bubble nest recently either... strange. He was building them when the water and plants were crappy and now that the water and plants are good, he's not building.

Well I hope that when I get more plants for the tank he'll be happier.

We'll just hafta see.

Thank you all for your advice! :thumbs:


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