? about dragon goby

Johnny V

Fish Fanatic
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
amherst mass USA
Hey, I was wondering if a dragon goby is a fully fw fish. My lfs owner said so, but then again, he said the same about the moray eel. I figured I'd ask the experts ;) Thanks
I believe there are multiple species, and one of those is fresh water/or brackish. I'm not sure which is which though, hopefully someone can clear that up for you :D

EDIT: I was talking about the goby, IDK about crabs :)
dragon gobies are brackish
I brought one on the understading they were freshwater
and discovered after researching they are brackish.
he was rehomed immediatly.
The most commonly seen species of "dragon goby" is Gobioides broussonettii which is a brackish dwelling fish which requires salt to be added to the water up to a level of at least 1.005 SG. There is another species which is occasionally imported which can live in freshwater and goes by the name of Gobioides peruanus and is usually sold under the trade name of "violet goby", though both common names are interchanged and incorrectly used frequently.

To tell the two species apart you need to look at the flanks of the fish, on G.broussonettii (brackish fish) there will be dark vertical stripes along the whole of the fishes length (these may be faded if kept in FW or poor quallity water). On G.peruanus (freshwater fish) there will be no dark stripes. G.peruanus is also a much smaller fish which only attains a adult length of around 12 inches, G.broussonettii can grow to 20 inches plus.

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