Evening all can anyone confirm what aglae this is and a course of treatment, it's been an on going thing for a while now I've been playing with more nutrients, less light more light.. more light and more nutrients his week has defiantly made it alot worse I cant seem to get a balance l, I'm using a fluval 104 external filter, co2 maybe im over stocked (around 30 tetras, 12 mollys 4 Cory's 3 or 4 otos 2 bristlenose plecs group of amano/cherry shrimp and 4 nerites) I've been feeding once a day for a while now and that doesn't seem to of made a difference tanks around 9 months old i do a 50% water change every sunday never missed a water change, ive been dosing seachem products el dose style ever since starting the tank up, could poor circulation play a part? I will add some photos to the thread.