AB discrepiancies


Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won'
Nov 19, 2004
Reaction score
Birmingham, AL
:/ As the title says.....post em up..with your speculations.


#1. That doesn't look like a marble

#2. That does look like a CrownTail

Either they inserted the wrong picture..or they are trolling for suckers, who don't know a crown from a veil, who will jump on the Low price ($5).


#1. The photo looks "enhanced"

#2. The fins are not anywhere near perfect

For $149.99 I'd think the rays should be complately even :dunno:


#1. Loos mighty big to be 4.5 months old

#2. I don't see a split tail..only a larger dorsal...so wouldn't that mean it came from DT line, and may carry it?
2 does look edited. Compare the tail to the rest of the photo- notice the difference in quality?
And number 3 is no way a DT IMO.
And number 1 is not a marble.
the third one is a DT its just the part of the top lobe is hidden behind the dorsal and it looks like the dorsal is just big.
#1. Loos mighty big to be 4.5 months old
#2. I don't see a split tail..only a larger dorsal...so wouldn't that mean it came from DT line, and may carry it?

It is a doubletail. I have a doubletail female too that look like the same double tail.
As for the size, yeah, you can get it in 4.5 month but not 3 months. LOL :D
No. 1 is neither a a crown or a veil. I have seen plenty of those for sale here sold as generic Betta's. They come from spawning a pair of crowntails. The tail types vary, some having round tails and others having Delta-like tails.
That is just ridiculous....their absolutely perfect Hm....that is a Veil and he knows it. The color I'm not sure about...as it is a grainy pic...but you can look at that pointy tail and see it's a veil. :rolleyes:
Wou. What a tight veil halfmoon. LOL :lol: He is pretty by the way. I love totally transparent white. Just like your white prince! LOL :lol:

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