Aandtssociety Low Tide Collecting Trip


Fish Fanatic
Feb 17, 2009
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Another great trip.

The weather wasn’t the best, there were a few showers, but there was some shelter and when it stoped, it was great.
Feeder shrimp, peppermint shrimp, seahorses, little ocys, crayfish and a small Chelmon, I won’t put the Chelmon pic on as we see heaps of them and I forget what else was gotten as these are the only pics I have to use.

No one wanted any seahorses at the moment so none of them were taken, only one pipe fish was wanted and this is the first time for ages a little ocy was kept, they are normally a pain as they escape easily, so they are always left behind, the area it was put in, there is no escape and it can be fed and looked after easily.

Lots of peppermint shrimp around as there has always been here since the first time I came to this spot in the late 70s with my brother.

The life forms are a little greater in numbers than over the past 6 or 8 years as the water the last two seasons did not get very cold so there is a bumper year out there for all life forms except the corals, they did very badly and the algae did very well, but that is always the way, when the algae blooms the corals go down, shame, it has been like that for three years now and the coral numbers a diminishing.

The crabs, lobsters, prawns and eating fish are doing so well these days; in some areas you can hardly see the bottom of the ocean!






Bloomin amazing pics as always Bruce!
Sure are blessed with an abundance of sea life around your shores.
A close of of a Bull Shark would be topper. :lol:
Bloomin amazing pics as always Bruce!
Sure are blessed with an abundance of sea life around your shores.
A close of of a Bull Shark would be topper. :lol:
We see them from time to time,they are cowards.

I will get some film of one next time.

We were watching one near the shoreline not far from home the other day(we live 5 mins from the ocean) when we had the dogs down the beach and i landed a nice big stick right on its head,it took off very fast.

There was one caught (in )the shark barrier protection for swimmers not far from home on wednesday,when the tide went out it was (in) the protected area,you could swim with a shark in there,we swim in there sometimes and you can not see the bottom in there as the water there is to dirty.

It was 7 foot long,well made protective areas arent they!!
How do the nets work M8. I dont think they keep everything out as we seen Dolphin in around Paradise Waters and Cheveron Island.
Thanks guys and gals.

I like showing what we do as it gets what we do and our great ausy marine hobby and sport combo noticed by heaps of people.

Sharing on some forums is good in other ways as well,we all learn things as there are some guys getting on the forums and telling there collecting stories around the world,which is great!

Seeing how the life forms carry out there life styles in the wild certainly helps get a far better result in our marine aquariums and when you get your own you avoid that adrenilin damage and potential nitrate organ damage that can come from the whole salers and shops stress and sometimes low quality of care.

We have a ball,we have a trip on in the morning,Happy to share!

See yah.
Have a good day out M8
Dont forget the pics as always
Really pissed I cant be there.
Maybe next year eh!
share a few stubbies
Thanks for posting those truely amazing natural history pics.

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