Aandtsociety Marine Species Island Collecting Trip


Fish Fanatic
Feb 17, 2009
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This trip that I am showing is one of the main club trips and it was in November last year.
On this trip the club paid for a rental on the island and some basic supplies and everyone came backwards and forwards as they wanted over the three days that we had the house.
We got the house and biological filter and storage tubs ready early Friday at the house and made sure the gas bottle had plenty of gas in it for each night’s veranda BBQs.
It worked out well; some came over one day some another and some stayed the whole three days.
Before we went over we worked out which areas we would cover each day and what we wanted from each area and took the orders for what fish and inverts from each clubby.
It is best to work out a system when you collect, if you know the area, so you maximise the areas covered and the correct species wanted.
We are very selective for our hobbies, when we can be and over there you can be.
We didn’t get a lot of tank life as we were mainly there to see it all and have ball.
The pics aren’t of all that we got, but it gives you an idea of what we get on our trips.
The first pic is of the place were we stayed.
The second is the sunset four houses from where we stayed.
The next is the friendly neighbours in the tree out side the kitchen window each morning.
The next is a couple of copper bands and pineapple fish we got.
The next is a few tube worms we got.
The next is one of the lionfish we got.
Then there is another lion fish.
A couple of banded shrimp as well.
Plus a cuttle fish.
I hope you enjoy seeing our adventures, it is just a shame we only started taking pictures recently.
The club has been doing collecting trips in one form or another since the late 1920s.









Oh wow, great pictures - you really should start one thread and then add to that, so that people who are new can see all your adventures in one place :good:

Pinapple fish cost from about £150 here in England :crazy:

Looking forward to the next one

Seffie x

What a fab way to get some new livestock! :hyper:
Seeing them in their natural environment must be amazing & it must be good to know they are handled correctly & in their new home sooner than shop bought fish.
Do you guys have to have a licence of some sort to do this?

What a great adventure, I'd love to do something like that!
Great pics and I love the Pineapple fish! :drool:
Here at the bottom are two links to the regs in Queensland in regards to private collecting,someone asked about ,do we need a liscence as such?

We put these on the forum so anyone can have a look at the current laws and than have some fun legally colecting like we do.

Seeing how they act in the wild and what they eat and how the live in general is so valuable to the hobby it allows near on 100 percent success with the hobby in natural ways combined with todays tech gear.

One bad thing about being out there so often over the last 35 years,for me anyway,is we are seeing the ocean slipping in to over population global warming caused decay quite fast now.

So much has changed in the last 5 years let alone the last 30!



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