Aandtsociety March Collecting Trips


Fish Fanatic
Feb 17, 2009
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These March collecting trips have been very popular with our new members in particular.
Some had next to no fish in there tanks and some have started more tanks and others have lost most of the tank life because of power failures.

So we have all been very busy going on our collecting trips, not just for our own aquarium marine life, but because we also share some of what we get with each other.

One trip was just for tangs mainly, as one of the members wanted some variations of tangs, mainly some types of bristle tooth tangs and now he is amazed at the others he has seen, his wife is very keen now as well, as she had her first go at catching for there tank and has seen some of the species they would like to get,hopefully next time.

The pictures that follow are of four trips and the fish and inverts from those trips all together.

The BBQ boat trip was the main trip with quite a few clubbies on board for that one and even though the water wasn’t very clear, we all had a ball and got plenty of life to share for all our tanks.

One or two spots we had been beaten to by the commercial guys there and some were areas were very bare as we were to late for them,who cares we still have fun and get something.

The BBQ boat trip was a little strange as we arrived around the time the juveniles were trying to set their territories and there were quite few nipped fins, plus they are now big enough to come out and have a look around and predators that before had not noticed them, do now!!

This happens every year at this time and never changes, but it settles down by around late May.

Than we will see who is the most predominant species for the year.

It looks a lot like the lion fish’s year and that is bad, the last time that happened there were very few other shrimp and fish around after a while as the lion fish grew, come on commercial guys get rid of most them before the balance is completely disrupted.

These are our Mach trips.

There are videos from our trips at the end.

Firstly these are the spots we visited.





These are some of the species we collected over the month.




















Videos for March.




A very good month!!!!!
Hi pkc,
What is the name of the small man made island in pics 1 & 2
We took a canoe trip (bloody broke my back) to that island last year and the marine life around those rocks was astounding. (snorkling)
We were ment to head on to the larger island but the water was too rough.
Please can you furnish me with the name as I've forgotten

Hi pkc,
What is the name of the small man made island in pics 1 & 2
We took a canoe trip (bloody broke my back) to that island last year and the marine life around those rocks was astounding. (snorkling)
We were ment to head on to the larger island but the water was too rough.
Please can you furnish me with the name as I've forgotten

Hi 'bigc'.

It is wave break island.

The larger island south straddie has (sought of) far more life than wave break, but the vis is always one quarter of wave break,because of the tidal flow there.

Next time you are going to be out this way contact us and we will give you a number of another group that do a similar thing to a couple of spots where we go that will make wave break seem like a toilet,no affence to wave break we go there from time to time but these two other spots have,clams,all corals,anemones,everything to snorkel from your surf ski ,kayak or what ever.

They are just out from Brisbane and are very nice!!!!
Cheers M8,
We are comming over next year around this time (Easter) or perhaps a little earlier to catch the weather.
Staying with folks in Eagelby nr Beenleigh.
Wave Break Island thats the one, we we're meant to go on to South Stradbroke (Straddie) but the water was extreamly choppy that day. Bloody didn't nearly make it back :lol: Wife behind me in the canoe didn't help either. Moaned the #### off me all the way home. :lol: What I would say about Wave Break though, is that there seems to be an abundance of fish fry around those large boulders, lots of smaller angelfish and lots of wrasse.
I'll remember and drop you a line closer the time, would sure like to see more especially coral.
Thanks again
It would be totally awesome to be able to do something like that. I am totally jealous :D

Love the pics


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