Aah I hate new fish!


New Member
Oct 6, 2003
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Mishawaka, IN
So. I was out doing a photography project Monday and decided, hey, lets buy some new fish. I've been meaning to, and we were right there. It was a local Petco.

I decided to get 2 bloodfin tetras [to make 3] and 2 glow-light tetras [to make another 3] and 1 penguin [to make, again, 3, lol.]

I noticed immediately that all of the bloodfins werent in their original tank. :blink: That made me question what was up. Then I noticed that one of the bloodfin's lips were like.. well, it seemed like the jaw was hanging down. I still told the lady to get one, and since it was slowest and so on, she got it. I told my grandmother I didnt like it, but she told me not to worry about it :thumbs: so we got another one that didnt look much better, and the rest of the fish.

We get home maybe 20 minutes later, and the one with the funky jaw is dead. Then I look closer at the other bloodfin and realize its mouth is all puffed out and white- mouth fungus, right?

I didnt tell my grandmother I didnt want them in the tank yet, so when I told her to go check out the dead fish, she automatically put them in the tank. Minus the dead one.

So I got up there maybe 10 minutes later, realized what she did, and took the mouth fungi-ed fish out and into his own tank. I dont have any fugi-fixer, I need to buy some, but one fish is not my problem. :/ What about the rest of my fish? Especially the new ones in the bag? I let them be in there, because I only have an extra gallon tank right now, and there didnt seem to be anything wrong with them. But since the one with the fungus got with the rest of the fish... can it be passed onto them? I dont want all of my fishies to die.
Fungus is contagious,and since you put the infected fish in the tank,you'll probably need to treat the whole tank. Go get some fungus medicine,and seriously,you should set up a quarantine tank.Even if it's just a 5 gallon,it will prevent such happenings in the future. :)
I personally avoid petco at all costs. The 2 that are walking distance from my house have diseased and dead fish in all their tanks. Better luck next time.
Well we all make mistakes like that. I recently bought an angelfish from Petco that looked good, but when I got it into my tank, it infected the other angels with fungus. All the angels ended up in the hospital tank, and were treated with Kenacyn. I highly recommend it over Maracyn.

I also have rainbows in that tank, and they didn't catch the fungus. So I'd recommend NOT treating the whole main tank unless they all come down with fungus.
Since I have had my quar tank and quar all new fish for 3 weeks before putting them in my main tank, I have had no problems with ich or illness etc.

It also gives the new fish a chance to calm down from being caught at the LFS, the trip home and the subsequent transferral to the tank...

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