

May 16, 2004
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I've been concerned about my new bettas not eating because they are very young and had been accustomed to live foods.I can't find live food in my area but I did finally find a place that has frozen bloodworms and things like that.So I got some and almost all of my fish loved them.But two of my bettas are just turning their lil fishie noses up at them :no: :grr:

One of the fussies is my beautiful opague female :wub: I gotta find something she'll eat!!! Gonna try hatching brine shrimpies I guess :S

Ya know...they may very well be used to gravel free tanks. I know my babies would all flip out if they saw gravel,they'd never be able to find their food :lol: Or at least it would take a while to get used to it.

Try feeding them the bw's one at a time, using the hold and dangle method to make it more yummy :p

Also try frozen brine, I have a couple males who won't even touch bw's
I did wonder if the females are just a bit overwhelmed by their new mansion.They spend much of the time hidden in the grass clumps and may or may not even make an appearance at feeding time.Then they come out and dart around a bit and go back into hiding.I'm thinking of using my frog baster to put some food down into the grass for them :sly:

Ehh, I had this problem with my crowntail. He would not eat brineshrimp what-so-ever. He didn't eat for about the first 2 days, so what I did was do a full water change, have him sit in his clean tank for a while so it was obvious there was no food, and then throw in the amazing Hikari Betta Bio-gold. (thank you wuv for the suggestion). Amazing food, they eat it so fast, enjoy it so much, and have been very healthy as far as swimming, flaring, and fin growth (blue veiltail). Not to mention the fact that they now stare at me when I come close, and they're almost jumping out of the containers to try and beg me for some food.

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