Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!(calling All Experts)


Fish Fanatic
Dec 7, 2005
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north carolina(USA)
well i bought three ghost shrimp and when i got home i found one was prego with a whole bunch of eggs, yes i am sure these are eggs they look like aggs and are neer the swimerlets. whow whould i prepare a home for the egg carier?
right now they are still in the bag and i am wondering what to do can someone help me?
they eat their babies right? could i put her in a goldfish bowl and put some java moss in?
should i let her be and put her in my tank and hope the babies survive?

please help
certainly no expert..... and haven't read the above mentioned thread :X (I know... slap me silly..)


I did acquire an egg carrying ghost shrimp a few months ago. They got larger and more opaque before they ended up hatching in the tank. By sheer chance I managed to isolate her in a large breeding net before the last egg or two hatched and dropped off, and now have one little shrimpie growing nicely in that segregated home.

I wish I had put her in there sooner and caught more of them. They've all vanished into the stomachs of fish, most likely. The lone survivor has thrived on finely ground fish flakes and pellets, and algae. I imagine the moss would be really great.

Good luck! Yes, they are ridiculously cheap to buy, but there's no challenge in THAT now is there..??? ;)

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