A Zebra Danio Log\diray


Fish Crazy
Mar 18, 2011
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Hi, I'm Neomeris, and I couldn't find a place specially for Cypranid,Characin, and Atherinid logs, so I'm posting it here! Yesterday I got about five or so baby danios to raise, so here is my log about them growing up. I'm keeping them in a two gallon tank until they are big enough to go in my community tank. Right now they are about as big around as little bits thread. My parents can't see them, but I can. Barely. :nod: :hyper: :blink: I hope the danios grow up big and healthy. Pictures later!

Neomeris :fish:

P.S. I know a lot about danios in general, because I've read about them :book: but if you have fry care tips, please tell me!!!
Hi, I'm Neomeris, and I couldn't find a place specially for Cypranid,Characin, and Atherinid logs, so I'm posting it here! Yesterday I got about five or so baby danios to raise, so here is my log about them growing up. I'm keeping them in a two gallon tank until they are big enough to go in my community tank. Right now they are about as big around as little bits thread. My parents can't see them, but I can. Barely. :nod: :hyper: :blink: I hope the danios grow up big and healthy. Pictures later!

Neomeris :fish:

P.S. I know a lot about danios in general, because I've read about them :book: but if you have fry care tips, please tell me!!!

Good luck! where did you get such little fry?
Oh, I have a friend who gave them to be in exchange for a batch of chocolate chip cookies. My friend said "catch as many baby danios as you want, I know you'll give them a good home!" But unfortunately, the "Danios" I had traded for was actually a bit of plant matter (that was my fault, I had forgotten a magnifying glass)!!!! :sad: Now I have to go with plan B -buy danios or cloud mountains minnows!! Type more later!
I thought I did, but I really don't. I'm very upset. Does this mean I should star a new topic about my buying danios at a regular petstor and raising them or can I continue with this one? I'm sad about not having any danios.

Sad and confused,
I don't have any danio babies. Do I need to star a new topic to tell about me trying to buy and breed danios or white clouds, or can I just keep using this topic?

Sad and slightly confused,

Yeah, I don't have any danio babies. My computer's acting strange and deleting my other posts, so itf you see about a million other posts saying basicly the same thing, my apologies.
GUESS WHAT!!!! At the end of the school year, a different friend is giving me her ten gallon zebra danio tank!!! It's a bit of a fixer-upper, but I GET DANIOS!!!!!!!!! :D

Extra excited,

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