A Warm Hello!


Fish Fanatic
Dec 30, 2021
Reaction score
Southern Mississippi
Just wanted to introduce myself to the forum.
I have been a keeper of fish since I was a 10 year old boy. My first tank was a 10 gallon fish only with all the retro air bubbling toys, (scubadiver, windmill and treasure chest) which was a birthday gift from my grandmother. The usual fish back then were a pair of black Molly's, a pair of red velvet Swordtails, a green Cory and a Algae eater.
As the years went on, I progressed into bigger tanks and more fish then I can remember.
I raised freshwater fish for most of my adult life. Nine years ago I ventured into a 90 gallon saltwater reef tank with a 55 gallon sump/bio filter.
Although I have enjoyed my saltwater adventure, my true love has always been freshwater fish.
So my wife and I have decided to take down my saltwater setup and venture back into the realm of freshwater. We love how far that freshwater setups have come along over the years and we are both excited to setup a 90 gallon aquascape.
So being one that loves to do a lot of researching, I started my quest to see what would be evolved in repurpossing my saltwater tank into a freshwater aquascape.
So my interest and research led me to this forum where I hope to gain the knowledge into this type of husbandry. It will probably take us about 6 months until we are ready to start setting up the freshwater aquascape. Tearing down the reef tank, cleaning the tank to get it ready, repainting the wall and living room that the tank resides in will take a lot of elbow grease but will be well worth it in the end.

So once again, a warm hello and in the mean time, we hope to soak up as much information as we can and make some new like minded friends.
Welcome! Hope you enjoy our forums.
Oh...and one more thing....be sure to vote in our
Tank of the Year Tournament...the 12 best tanks of 2021 are competing for prizes $$$$.
I love that you have gotten to see how far the freshwater enthusiasm has come. I feel the exact same way, which is why like you we decided to close down our reef tank and focus on different biomes and habitats for freshwater fishes - ponds, rainforests, rivers, lakes - you name it, there are so many variations on these that no matter how you want to do your fishkeeping, freshwater has something for you. I will always have a soft spot for saltwater animals but am happy I'm back to freshwater. The aquascaping is the hardest part for me (my best "art" is a stick figure) but just so beautiful when done right. Now, I just need to make more friends where I live so I can have help moving all of these tanks! Have an amazing New Year and happy fishkeeping!
Hello 👋 I'm sure you have a true wealth of knowledge to pass on and educate others, look forward to your input and photos of your tank when you finally get it going

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