A want a fighter but can I?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 21, 2005
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I have a 10GL tank set up with

2 female guppies
2 male plattys
2 male (what look like tiger barbs but are not and the LFS told me don't nip)

Am i able to put a fighter in with these.

I have a filter which is an over hood filter and does not cause much current.
One silk plant
no sharp objects
An Air pump with an airsone wall.

Is this set-up ok and will i have to change anything?
That would a big affirmative..."no" . lol Bettas and guppies do not do well..the betta would most probably kill them. Tiger barbs and Bettas definately are a no-no..as the barb will harrass the betta.

It's generally accepted..to keep Betta's alone.
Hi there

I heard that fighters can live with guppies as long as they don't have any fancy tails as they are females they don't have any special colour at all.

Also they are not tiger barbs they are like tiger barbs but are NOT tiger barbs. I can remember the names but they look similar to them.

I was told they would live with a fighter and they don't nip as tiger barbs nip guppies i was told so he recomended these instead.

I'll check the names next time I go there.

So is this a defenite no?
Any one with a second opinion?
To be honest it is very unpredictable how a betta will be with a certain type of fish as all bettas have different personalities!!!!

I would say that a betta is best kept in a tank on its own!!
you COULD TRY it, but be prepared wth another tank for the betta, because he might pick on the other fish, or they might nip at him. bettas are like people, they are all different, with different personalities and tolerances. my 7 boys are all in 1-2 gallon tanks by themselves. best of luck with whatever you go with. :D

by the way, i'm not sure that you are aware of the addictive nature of bettas... bet you can't have just 1!!!!! :rofl: :rofl:
I have a betta that lives with 2 female guppies (among various others) and he gets along fine with them, but as already stated, different bettas have different personalities. You can never be sure until you put them together and then you have a problem if they don't get along. Best not to chance it IMHO. :dunno:
The fish shop i'm going to buy from all their fighters are in with other fish would there be a better chance that the fighter would be ok with my fish?

I know its hard to say but i'm assuming if the's been with other fish then theres more chance he will get on with other fish than one thats been on his own.
not really because they are often kept in with other fish!! but they are normally kept with fish that get along with bettas!!!

And the LFS dont care about if the bettas get nipped at do they???
He actually has a fighter in with guppies suprisingly.

I'll speak to this guy and see what he thinks also taking into consideration that he wants to make a sale.

I'm in the process of setting up 2 15GL tanks at the moment and the guppies will be removed and replaces with most probably platys or some other slow moving fish that gets along with a fighter.

Is there a list of known fish that get along with fighters?
you could get a few female bettas, that way they're have company.

I don't think there are any fish the always get along with male bettas...correct me if i'm wrong though :p
It really depends on the personality of the fish, my one betta got along great with my guppies but my other guy tried to eat them :blink:
Cheers for that.

I really want one and i think i'll try one in there but i'll wait till me new tanks are ready incase he as to be moved.

Worst case senerio i'll get a little 1gal tank to puit him in and have him on my desk.

anyone know of some small 1 gal tanks like columns? UK based.
I would reccomend that, if you want a betta, get a 2.5-5 gallon tank and keep him on his own. Bettas are less stressed and happier when not in with other fish as they don't feel inclined to be as territorial. Furthermore, your current fish won't be stressed by an agressive tank mate. While each betta has a different personality, the "general rule" for the species is to house them singly.
Honestly, I'm a bit concerned about the plant cover more than the betta's temperament. If you go get the betta, you'd better get about 8 plants more to put in the tank so that, if fighting occurs, the other fish can hide without being injured or stressed out.
Also, your LFS doesn't really sound very reputable... giving poor advice, keeping bettas in with guppies, etc. I'd take everything they say with a big grain of salt. I'd also very carefully inspect any fish you buy for them to make sure it is in good health, especially if the bettas have been kept in with other fish.
Bettas are a no no with guppies,some lucky people have done it but it usually ends up in a stressed betta and a dead guppy(i know i tried!!)the bettawill get confused and attack the guppys.Secondly and types of barb cant really be with bettas...even though the LFS told you they dont nip have you ever tried them with long finned fish(IMO dont trust any LFS!!).It depends on the individual personality of the betta as well.ive had them which will kill anything in the tank but ive also had a one which was scared of his snail :D If you try it have a spare tank ready to seperate him or why not leave him in his own tank and get a couple of cories or ADFs instead?

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