A Victory Against Tattooed Fish


Always Watching
Aug 29, 2005
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Hudson, Wisconsin USA
Link with a better pic of the fish

It makes me happy that someone did something about it, and that the city bans tattooing. It is too bad that they still allow bath dying :-( .
Since my freind was promoted to fish room manager, he has stoped ordering, injected, bathed, or tatooed fish. Excpet for the occasional one that gets thrown in the order( the "extra's the breeder's give out"). But go oklahoma city!
thats messed up why do they have to kill those fishes???
they should have just let them live out the rest of there lives!!!
why should a fishes life be taken away for something they didnt want to happend to them in the 1st place??
they should at lease let them live out there life.
how would u feel if someone beat you up and you became handicap and then they decided that you should be killed so you wont suffer then horror that you've been thought???
Great that they are doing something, but why kill them? As Suicidal_AZN said, "how would u feel if someone beat you up and you became handicap and then they decided that you should be killed so you wont suffer then horror that you've been thought???"

OMG that poor fish. She's a white lyretail molly - would have looked just like mine if some berk hadn't decided to paint tacky designs all over her with a flipping HYPODERMIC NEEDLE.

I disagree with everybody who says they shouldn't have euthanised the fish. It's horrible that they had to die at all. :angry: But the suffering they go through as the dye takes over their system is worse, honestly. They die horrible deaths. If I was the fish, I think I'd take the clove oil.
the need to dye fish just like when they need to crossbreed. it's all a fade and whatever brings in the $$$$$$$$$$$
i say shut those damn breeders down and burn them to the stake!

what's next wearing fish skin for clothing?
if u shut down breeders where will you buy fish??
thats where fish stores get there fish from dummy.
without breeder you would be able to get the fish you like.
so............ :p
That is disgusting. The owner should have been shut down and jailed for animal cruelty.

The fish are destroyed because they are in terrible shape to begin with, and should not be allowed to enter the fish trade. If kept alive, they could not be distributed or sold, as it is in violation of the law.
Firstly, well done Oklahoma!

On the issue of killing the fish, i watched a programme the other week about a very endangered species of tiger. The guys had some of them in captivity and when the male approached the age that he would start to be sexually active, they neutered him. Why?

You would think that they would do exactly the opposite and encourage breeding, and they do, but only with the purest strains of the species. As this guy was cross bred somewhere down the line with another species of tiger, he was no good.

Letting this guy breed wouldn't save the endangered species, but create a hybrid species all of it's own.

My point is, maybe it's the same with the dyed fish. They can't take the chance of letting them breed, just in case we end up with sub-strains of dyed fish. Lets face it, they won't have much chance of producing prize specimen offspring.

I agree with the euthanasia, but think the guys who are doing the dying should be strung up.
My point is, maybe it's the same with the dyed fish. They can't take the chance of letting them breed, just in case we end up with sub-strains of dyed fish. Lets face it, they won't have much chance of producing prize specimen offspring.

That's not exactly how heredity works... but good example with the tigers.

The reason that the dyed fish are being destroyed is that the government has no other means of getting rid of them. They have the following options:
  1. Resell the confiscated fish--which would be illegal and is why the fish were confiscated to begin with
  2. Give away the confiscated fish to citizens -- probably not legal and at least difficult to develop a generally acceptable policy (how do you decide who gets free fish?)
  3. Give away the confiscated fish to other public entities (school, aquarium, etc) -- not likely to happen with tattooed mollies; would also encourage the public to like and acquire other tattooed fish
  4. Keep the confiscated fish for forever in a secret place-- impractical and not a good use of taxpayer money
  5. Euthanize the confiscated fish

Since of these options, #5 is the easiest and least likely to get the government in trouble later, the fish are euthanized. It also simplifies the development of policy if they euthanize all fish confiscated as illegal. Otherwise it would require the development of a classification system that encompasses a wide range of species and that employs experts to identify the confiscated goods. Considering that this is just a municipal government, such an organization is a bit much to expect.

You have to remember that governments can't just "do things" according to how the individuals in charge feel at a given moment. There have to be written policies and explicit rules, but if you have too many, the system becomes unwieldy. Which is why it's likely that any animal confiscated under a municipal ordinance will be euthanized if ownership or sale of the animal is outlawed.

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