a thanks with some more questions...


New Member
Aug 3, 2003
Reaction score
Hinesville, GA
k, so I've decided that I'm going to buy a bigger tank for my betta and what not, now I just need to know what fish bettas get along with that can live in a tank with no filter and stuff.

I'm so excited guys!!! thanks so much for helping me out and stuff. I've learned a lot about my bettas and how to take care of them, thank you!

You're so welcome! You ask some really good questions. Well, there are some bettas that get along with some fish. I'm not sure, however, that other types of fish will be able to tolerate a tank w/ no filter. You see, bettas have a special organ (the labyrinth) that allows them to breath air from the surface. If you're going to house other fish with the betta, you really need some type of filter. And, you also need to consider the current flow (bettas like still waters) with the oxygen needs of the other types of fish. I haven't tried keeping other fish with my bettas. I've read about some unfortunate stories about mixing bettas w/ others. But many people have good luck with it. There are some other threads on this board that have more information on campatibility.

Edited to add: I think cory cats (corydoras) would especially be good with bettas. They are peaceful bottom dwellers. Make sure you consider the tank size with how many cories to get and what species to get (pygmy cories remain small).
If you added a filter, a school of neon or any other tetras would probably do fine. I would personally avoid barbs... your betta's fins might become lunch.

Oops... just re-read that you don't want to add a filter. You might be able to get away with Gourami's... they're also anabantoids (labyrinth fish). They can be a little picky about water quality though... as long as you scooped out uneaten food after feeding and did regular water changes could work?
Unless you're going to do water changes REAL frequently, a bigger tank and more fish is going to demand a filter just to keep it clean and aerated. Tetra Whisper Junior Microfilter (something like that) works real well for tanks under about 10 gallons; it goes inside the tank, it's quiet and you can adjust the outflow from low to high, filters can be easily (and tidily) removed and replaced. We use these in our female betta tanks and the girls do much better with a low flow going rather then the sponge filters alone. Might want to consider that.

I hear (but we only keep bettas and a few badly neglected goldfish in their own tanks) mollies, platies, swordtails get along with bettas well. Avoid any aggressive fish and any fish that has long fins (like angelfish and male guppies).
And sorry, but gouramis are NOT good with bettas. They are territorial just like bettas. (I'm not sure about females).

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