A tale of two tanks-which to choose?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
In my ongoing quest for a Betta, I have decided to buy one of two tanks, and would appreciate any thoughts you might have pro or con.
Tank # 1
Minibow - which some of you already have.
MiniBow 2.5 gal

I also found this one, which is a 2 gal not a 2.5. Its claim to fame is that is has two filter pads, so that you only change one at a time, and don't rid the tank of all the good bacteria.
Hagen Waterhome 2

My last question (for now :lol: ) is being a complete absolute beginner at all this, should I condition the water, put the betta in and do water changes every week (100%, 50% ??)
should I cycle the tank (I have no other tanks), using bacteria in a bottle (recommended by SuperPet), letting the tank settle for 4 days before I put Mr. Betta in.

So I guess my question is, for a know-nothing like me, what is the best maintainance plan for my Betta in the above 2.5 gal tank?
Many thanks!
The mini-bows are popular, I've never seen the Hagen before and I must admit...I like the way they look in the pic.

Definately cycle the tank using the betta or the bacteria in a bottle. 50% water changes weekly will be enough. 100% changes won't allow your tank to ever actually cycle. It should be ok to put Mr.Betta in the first or second day. Your bacteria will die off without ammonia to feed on.

Best maintainance plan would be = 50-60% weekly changes and a well balanced diet :thumbs: That's about all bettas require (of course lots of love is a good thing too)
2 gallons is too small for a heater so you'll need to keep him in a warm spot, anywhere above 74F

Try picking up some Hikari frozen bloodworms or frozen brine & Hikari brand betta bites,they're the best
I'd go with the minibow :)

Don't waste your time with bacteria in a bottle stuff, it's a waste of money. The only good one I've heard about was Bio Spira, but after trying it myself, I would not recommend it.

I would highly recommend doing a fishless cycle on your tank. Follow this link for more info on fishless cycling http://fish.orbust.net/forums/index.php?sh...showtopic=10099

As for maintenance plans, it can vary. Usually what I do is a 30-40% water change weekly with a light gravel cleaning (surface debris only) once or twice a week and I vaccum half the gravel throroughly once a week.
wuvmybetta said:
The mini-bows are popular, I've never seen the Hagen before and I must admit...I like the way they look in the pic.

Definately cycle the tank using the betta or the bacteria in a bottle. 50% water changes weekly will be enough. 100% changes won't allow your tank to ever actually cycle. It should be ok to put Mr.Betta in the first or second day. Your bacteria will die off without ammonia to feed on.

Best maintainance plan would be = 50-60% weekly changes and a well balanced diet :thumbs: That's about all bettas require (of course lots of love is a good thing too)
2 gallons is too small for a heater so you'll need to keep him in a warm spot, anywhere above 74F

Try picking up some Hikari frozen bloodworms or frozen brine & Hikari brand betta bites,they're the best
Thank you, I admit I like the Hagen look too. But I do like the slightly larger minibow. I will make a decision!
In a previous thread I asked about a heater in a 2 gal and three members all use a heater. There is no such thing as a warm spot in our house, so I am going to use a heater and trust it all works!!
I like your maintainance plan but will also review the one from where the river goes to see if I can manage it. I do like to do the best for my pet pals!
Where the river goes said:
I'd go with the minibow :)

Don't waste your time with bacteria in a bottle stuff, it's a waste of money. The only good one I've heard about was Bio Spira, but after trying it myself, I would not recommend it.

I would highly recommend doing a fishless cycle on your tank. Follow this link for more info on fishless cycling http://fish.orbust.net/forums/index.php?sh...showtopic=10099

As for maintenance plans, it can vary. Usually what I do is a 30-40% water change weekly with a light gravel cleaning (surface debris only) once or twice a week and I vaccum half the gravel throroughly once a week.
Thank you for your reply. As you can see, your reply and Wuvs vary quite a bit! This is why my head was swimming initially when I started reading everything I could about Bettas. I think what I have learned is that several different plans work, although they all have similarities. I will review the info on the fishless cycling to see if my little brain can figure it all out.
I found a cute little 15 watt heater made by Marineland, it's not submersible but it's....almost submersible. I currently have it in a 5 gallon breeder tank (half full so it's only heating 2.5 gallons) and it seems to be doing good.

I say no heaters in less than 5 because that's all you ever hear and I have no hands on experience with them. But I must warn you...don't buy a cheap heater. The reason heaters are not recommended for under 5 gallons is because of the risk of the heater getting stuck in the ON position and overheating/cooking your fish.

Since you have a cold house you have no choice but to get a heater. I personally keep my house at a toasty 77F, I'm a chilly person anyway but I know deep down that I really turn the heater on for the fish :lol:

Maybe since you're going all out ,heater/filter/good sized tank, you could get a 5 gallon and divide it for two bettas :shifty:
wuvmybetta said:
I found a cute little 15 watt heater made by Marineland, it's not submersible but it's....almost submersible. I currently have it in a 5 gallon breeder tank (half full so it's only heating 2.5 gallons) and it seems to be doing good.

I say no heaters in less than 5 because that's all you ever hear and I have no hands on experience with them. But I must warn you...don't buy a cheap heater. The reason heaters are not recommended for under 5 gallons is because of the risk of the heater getting stuck in the ON position and overheating/cooking your fish.

Since you have a cold house you have no choice but to get a heater. I personally keep my house at a toasty 77F, I'm a chilly person anyway but I know deep down that I really turn the heater on for the fish :lol:

Maybe since you're going all out ,heater/filter/good sized tank, you could get a 5 gallon and divide it for two bettas :shifty:
Ha Ha! Don't think that I havn't thought about it!! I started out weeks ago thinking a $10 tank, some goodies and a Betta and there I go.
Now I am into a $40 2 gal tank, $20 heater, goodies and a Betta.
So whats another $20 to get a 5 gal eh? :crazy:

Do you think that Marineland heater is good enough? That is the one that I have found too. Is it that one at $19 or the Visitherm at $33.
I don't know about the visitherm....what makes it have such a large price difference? Does it have flashy lights or play music? :hyper:

I like the Marineland, although I don't trust it. I've been watching the temperature like a hawk for two days now, but so far so good. What I like the best about it is it has the actual temperature where you can set it at, other cheapo heaters make you guess and watch the thermometer in your tank in order to find out what it's set at.

Is the visitherm digital or completely submersible? If it's one or the other I'd go for the visitherm, if you're trying to stay within a budget I'd get the Marineland
The Visitherm isn't digital, but it does say it is submersible. I looked at both, and to my unexperienced eye, they looked the same. Here is the url
Visitherm Heater
Do you think then, that being totally submersible makes it worth the extra?

As to the price difference, I think perhaps the aquarium store where this sells is overpriced. I was there and the 2.5 gal minibow was $60 and it is $40 at PetSmart. I was going to go back to see if I missed something, that maybe they added stuff to the package.
They do have nice Bettas, but so did SuperPet when I was there.
If you can afford it get the visitherm. Fully submersible is a good thing :thumbs:

With heaters that hang on the back, or in the Marineland heaters case, have to stay somewhat above the water line you really have a risk of over heating if an inch or less of water evaporates. The degree sensor will feel the air temp and try relentlessly to heat, in turn boiling your fish
I'd go with the flow with Where The River Goes. :lol: He did an awesome job with his two 2.5 MiniBow betta tanks.
Thank you for your reply. As you can see, your reply and Wuvs vary quite a bit! This is why my head was swimming initially when I started reading everything I could about Bettas. I think what I have learned is that several different plans work, although they all have similarities. I will review the info on the fishless cycling to see if my little brain can figure it all out.

Everyone has a different way of doing things. In the end what matters is that you're comfortable with what you are doing and that the fish are healthy! :)

That Visitherm heater is made by Marinelabs, I have those in my minibows...no problems at all *knock on wood* I'll more than likely take it out in summer though...my room rarely goes below 78 degrees in summer.

You could get a minibow at Wal-mart for about $26. The ones at Petsmart, Petco, etc are usually more expensive because they come with a "betta divider"

I'd go with the flow with Where The River Goes. He did an awesome job with his two 2.5 MiniBow betta tanks.

:*) Thanks :*) :D
I went through the exact same thing as you last month Dogfish :) I spent a month trying to figure out the best/least expensive way to set up a tank for a Betta. I then decided I didn't just want a Betta as a pet but I wanted to breed them. So long story short, I now have a pair of good quality Red Super Delta Bettas (from a local breeder) and each are housed in their own 2.25 gallon Small Pals Pen tanks with mini filters and 25W heaters (like you my house is way too cold to go without a heater). I liked the Small Pals Pen as they are very inexpensive (mine were $10 each) and look nice. I did have to cut out a few of the vent bars in the hood to fit the heater cord through, but that wasn't difficult. I considered the Mini Bow's and the Eclipse systems as well as a couple others I came across, but I felt I could get the same thing with the Small Pals Pens for much cheaper. The only difference really between the SPP and the Mini Bow was the MB came with a filter. But the mini filter I bought for mine only cost $5, so that was $15 (tank and filter) vs. $35 for the MB. The SPP's also come in other sizes, 3.3 gallon and 4.somthing (forget exactly). I've now purchased a 10 Gal tank to be a spawn tank (it's cycling now) and I hope to attempt my first spawn in a couple of weeks. I've SOOO got the Betta bug! Lol.

Good luck with your decision making and getting your Betta :)


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