Well, i think the price is proportionate to average wage here, i havent checked but if i remember correctly the minimum wage in my city is about $235-$270/month, still cheap but not that cheap lol.1. Neon tetra: $2.99
2. Zebra danios: $2
3. Angelfish (juvenile): $12
4. Otocinclus: $3.99 - $4.99
5. Oscar (juvenile): $10, usually around $15
You guys get such cheap fish over there...
Btw i think super cheap fish have a downside too, just like what i said in the beginning equipment and food price is about the same globally. Example : most people i know rather let their fish die rather than buy a medicine for them, because the fish cost less than $1 and the medicine can cost $2-$3. And most people dont have a test kit, because why buy a $20-$30 test kit if you could buy a new fish if the entire stock died. And i'll be honest, i only have ph, nitrite and ammonia test kit because they're expensive