Hi, I’ve been on these forums for a while… but this is my first post. I have a really weird problem/situation, and I need any help thats going!
Apologies for its length!!
I have a Rio 180 tank. It’s fully planted + has some bogwood and a man-made tree stump style decoration (good for hiding holes!).
The tank has been filled and active for months. It was filled with RO water, and all water changes are with RO water. For a long time the tank had only 3 guppy fry… which have grown well, and have produced fry themselves, there are now 2 small fry in the tank – all are happy.
A few weeks back I added 2 clown loaches and a common plec. The loaches are quite small ~1 inch. The plec was 4/5 inches. I’m aware of water chemistry, and knew introducing 3 fish may spike nitrates/ammonia… so I kept an eye of the conditions. With regular/weekly water changes, the water remained stable (basically perfect).
This plec had what looked like a white spot (3/4mm across) on one of his fins, it looked like a nip, like he’d been fighting or something, so I didn’t pay much attention. After a few days it became furry, so I guessed a fungal infection. I moved him to a medical tank and treated with sera mycopur. This stuff was crap… it didn’t affect the fungus and just made the tank go yellow! The affected area just became worse. He didn’t get better until after the mycopur cycle I used an antibacterial treatment (melafix). He began to get better… his colour returned, he became more active. Then, he died!! Do plec’s change colour lots? He did, especially on the underside/side of his tail. But he’d go much lighter/white in patches all over. Then he’d become darker again.
A few days later I decided to get another plec for the main tank. No other fish had any signs of ill health, and I put the first plecs death down to a sick fish from the shop. Anyway, this new plec look liked he been in the wars… his fins where short (not shredded), look like they been nipped lots! Other than that, he seemed ok. But, he also changed colour lots!! Same as the last plec, all over, but especially the underside of the tail. Then I noticed a small ball of fluff (fungus) on his fin. This time, there where no open wounds. After the mycopur failure, my aquatic centre recommended ParaGuard. So, I’m currently treating the main tank with this… I can only assume there is something in the main tank!
In the last few days, I’ve seen less and less of one of the clown loaches. Today he appeared, but he looks really ill. I know they lie on their sides a lot, but this guy is almost white, doesnt move much, and looks on deaths door… compared to the other clown loach who’s really active, moves all over the tank, digs in the gravel and is a good solid orange!
Today the plec seems really ill… swimming seems a struggle and he went through a big colour change, very white. I can see more fungal growths on his side, and top of head… not that big tho. He also has a large’ish (1cm) white patch right in front of where his dorsal fin starts. Its not fluffy/fungal, just white. Doesn’t look like a wound either.
The guppies are as happy as ever. The plec hasn’t moved for a while (I’m fearing the worst) and I’ve not seen the second clown loach all day .
There are two other things/issues that *may* be related…
1. I have an algae problem that I can’t shift. The tank is out of sunlight, the plants seem healthy… but the algae persists!
2. I’ve just noticed the water has something in it! Up close, it looks almost like its snowing! Small, white, hair like strands around 5mm long. What is this stuff? There looks like bits on the surface too .
So guys, I know it’s a long post (SORRY ), but I don’t get whats happening and I need help!
Thanks in advance!
PH: 7/7.5
GH: 1
KH: 1/2
NH4/NH3: 0
NO2: 0
NO3: 0
PO4: 0
FE: 1
Well, i've just checked the plec and he's "moved on". On closer inspection, he was worse than i thourght (must of come on quick). He had discolouration under his body, looked like fugus around the mouth and his eyes had retracted into his head ??!?!
I use RO becuase the water here is very hard (>30GH) and ph 8 (or more!). Should I not use RO water?? I add florena for the plants.
As for nitrate, the sera test kits arnt that accurate, but they indicate 0mg/l. (at the very worst, I say it couldnt be more that within 0-5mg/l).
Apologies for its length!!
I have a Rio 180 tank. It’s fully planted + has some bogwood and a man-made tree stump style decoration (good for hiding holes!).
The tank has been filled and active for months. It was filled with RO water, and all water changes are with RO water. For a long time the tank had only 3 guppy fry… which have grown well, and have produced fry themselves, there are now 2 small fry in the tank – all are happy.
A few weeks back I added 2 clown loaches and a common plec. The loaches are quite small ~1 inch. The plec was 4/5 inches. I’m aware of water chemistry, and knew introducing 3 fish may spike nitrates/ammonia… so I kept an eye of the conditions. With regular/weekly water changes, the water remained stable (basically perfect).
This plec had what looked like a white spot (3/4mm across) on one of his fins, it looked like a nip, like he’d been fighting or something, so I didn’t pay much attention. After a few days it became furry, so I guessed a fungal infection. I moved him to a medical tank and treated with sera mycopur. This stuff was crap… it didn’t affect the fungus and just made the tank go yellow! The affected area just became worse. He didn’t get better until after the mycopur cycle I used an antibacterial treatment (melafix). He began to get better… his colour returned, he became more active. Then, he died!! Do plec’s change colour lots? He did, especially on the underside/side of his tail. But he’d go much lighter/white in patches all over. Then he’d become darker again.
A few days later I decided to get another plec for the main tank. No other fish had any signs of ill health, and I put the first plecs death down to a sick fish from the shop. Anyway, this new plec look liked he been in the wars… his fins where short (not shredded), look like they been nipped lots! Other than that, he seemed ok. But, he also changed colour lots!! Same as the last plec, all over, but especially the underside of the tail. Then I noticed a small ball of fluff (fungus) on his fin. This time, there where no open wounds. After the mycopur failure, my aquatic centre recommended ParaGuard. So, I’m currently treating the main tank with this… I can only assume there is something in the main tank!
In the last few days, I’ve seen less and less of one of the clown loaches. Today he appeared, but he looks really ill. I know they lie on their sides a lot, but this guy is almost white, doesnt move much, and looks on deaths door… compared to the other clown loach who’s really active, moves all over the tank, digs in the gravel and is a good solid orange!
Today the plec seems really ill… swimming seems a struggle and he went through a big colour change, very white. I can see more fungal growths on his side, and top of head… not that big tho. He also has a large’ish (1cm) white patch right in front of where his dorsal fin starts. Its not fluffy/fungal, just white. Doesn’t look like a wound either.
The guppies are as happy as ever. The plec hasn’t moved for a while (I’m fearing the worst) and I’ve not seen the second clown loach all day .
There are two other things/issues that *may* be related…
1. I have an algae problem that I can’t shift. The tank is out of sunlight, the plants seem healthy… but the algae persists!
2. I’ve just noticed the water has something in it! Up close, it looks almost like its snowing! Small, white, hair like strands around 5mm long. What is this stuff? There looks like bits on the surface too .
So guys, I know it’s a long post (SORRY ), but I don’t get whats happening and I need help!
Thanks in advance!
PH: 7/7.5
GH: 1
KH: 1/2
NH4/NH3: 0
NO2: 0
NO3: 0
PO4: 0
FE: 1
Well, i've just checked the plec and he's "moved on". On closer inspection, he was worse than i thourght (must of come on quick). He had discolouration under his body, looked like fugus around the mouth and his eyes had retracted into his head ??!?!
I use RO becuase the water here is very hard (>30GH) and ph 8 (or more!). Should I not use RO water?? I add florena for the plants.
As for nitrate, the sera test kits arnt that accurate, but they indicate 0mg/l. (at the very worst, I say it couldnt be more that within 0-5mg/l).