A Spawn That I've Been Contemplating


Fish Addict
May 3, 2005
Reaction score
DeRidder, LA
Here's a spawn that I've been thinking about for a while...

I've got a Cambodian female - DR CT with DT geno that I'd like to cross with one of the PK boys that I got from Synirr who's got DT, Marble, and Copper geno (and maybe some sort of "mini" gene)... Can you IMAGINE how many things would come out of that spawn?!?

I want to spawn them to head towards a DT PK CT line. It would take a little while to get there, but I think the process would be amazing! I'm not even going to start thinking about the colors yet... :S
It does sound like it would turn out a betta buffet, but , for a first spawn you might want to reconsider the tail types. I've mixed CT with PK and the results were pffft, unimpressive. Cute fish,none the less, but still. There was nothing to do with them besides give them away as pets to folks. None were "show worthy" or anything. Now, if you plan on starting a line right away, then maybe. But remember that your first two generations will be less than spectacular.
Wow, that's complicated :lol:
Are you sure your fish carries two copies of the CT gene? I mean, Sitri in my sig looks CT for the most part, but he's actually CT x plakat with only one copy of the CT gene (correct, Wuv?) The way you can tell is if the crowning is the same on all rays or if it kinda gets a little dodgy in places, like at the edges of Sitri's caudal where multiple rays have no crowning at all. The reason I ask is that the only way it's possible to be absolutely sure a fish is 100% CT with DT geno is to breed a CT DT to a regular CT, and you don't see CT DTs often.

Anyway, like Wuv said, the F1 would be kinda "eh". To get a CT DT plakat line, you need to know what genes your fish carry in every generation so you're sure of the results you'll be getting. The only way to do this is to produce either DT CTs, DT plakats, or CT plakats, then breed the other trait in. If you just breed a CT to DT then breed a plakat to one of the F1 offspring, for example, you have no surefire way of knowing if a certain F2 fish carries CT or DT genes at all. Because all F1 fish are dihybrid, you can get fish that are CT and/or DT, CT and/or DT geno, or that carry no CT or DT at all. This means that if you accidentally choose a fish that doesn't carry the CT or DT gene for your F2 spawn, then whoops, you'll be surprised in your F3 when one of the traits doesn't show up!

The easiest way to get CT DT plakats, in my opinion, would be to breed a DT plakat to a CT, then breed two of the F1 fish together. You'd have to be careful to choose fish with really pronounced crowning when it came to the F3 spawn to make sure they are true CT and not just CT geno, but this way it would only take 3 generations to get a 100% CT DT plakat spawn :)
GEEZ! :S Maybe I'll wait a while... :lol: I'm almost positive that she's definitely got two copies of the CT gene. I got her from an experienced breeder who said that she is from Jim Sonnier's lines. But still... all the genetics is so complicated.. :blink:
I agree with wuv. Have seen a bunch of ackward looking fish lately which are clearly the offspring of CT and PK spawn. But I think it is a fairly new line, and all new lines will take time develop. But don't count the CT-PK out yet:

I just don't want to have trouble finding homes for the awkward looking ones. The people on this forum can only adopt so many fish! :D
I agree with wuv. Have seen a bunch of ackward looking fish lately which are clearly the offspring of CT and PK spawn. But I think it is a fairly new line, and all new lines will take time develop. But don't count the CT-PK out yet:

Cute,cute! I have a male here right now who is almost identical to that one in every way! I can't find the pic though.

The people on this forum can only adopt so many fish!
:lol: Right?! They do what they can though :nod:

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