A Single Fry?


New Member
Jun 17, 2008
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Well as some of you may know i brought 10 mollies home from the fish store about a week ago now, all of the females are pregnant, but one was looking very ready to drop so i put her in a breeding net.
Well last night i was surfing the web when i happened to notice single, very small molly in the bottom of the breeding net. I thought that i should leave her over night because she will drop more, but when i checked this mourning, she hadn't.
Why could have this been?
If it is her first brood, then a few or a single fry could have been her lot, she will have more fry as she gets older.

It could also have been the stress of trapping her led to her letting go of a single fry.

Was the fry OK? Did it have an egg sac? Was it premature?
If it is her first brood, then a few or a single fry could have been her lot, she will have more fry as she gets older.

It could also have been the stress of trapping her led to her letting go of a single fry.

Was the fry OK? Did it have an egg sac? Was it premature?

the fry is fine, but the mother is still very fat
If she is still very fat, I would guess that she still has fry in her. She might be holding them back because of stress,
or maybe the water isnt the way she likes it. maybe shes constipated!! pfft :rofl:
If she is still very fat, I would guess that she still has fry in her. She might be holding them back because of stress,
or maybe the water isnt the way she likes it. maybe shes constipated!! pfft :rofl:

Lol, thanks for helping.
Well, she just had a crap, so shes not constipated.
I think i'll leave her in there for another coupl days and see what happens
You might have better luck releasing her back into the tank. Keeping her in the breeding net will be quite stressful, and if the fry is still in with her, it might be eaten. When I had guppies, I rarely had them give birth in the breeding trap. I only used the breeding trap if I caught them in the middle of giving birth - I carefully scooped them into the trap and left them there until they'd finished.

Good luck :good:
You might have better luck releasing her back into the tank. Keeping her in the breeding net will be quite stressful, and if the fry is still in with her, it might be eaten. When I had guppies, I rarely had them give birth in the breeding trap. I only used the breeding trap if I caught them in the middle of giving birth - I carefully scooped them into the trap and left them there until they'd finished.

Good luck :good:

Thanks, i'll put her back into the tank then.
i have a problem, the small fry doesnt notice the food when i put it in and wont eat.. any advice?
usually it akes about 1 week for the fry to actually realise they gotta swim over and eat the food, atleast this is my experiance :)

feed them crushed down very very fine flake food, so fine like dust and only a tiny little amount is necessary.
here somthing that will make them grow a hell lot faster try to get your hands on some frozen dry bloodwords and crush that with the flake to to increase it growth rate.

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