A Short Cory Story


May 5, 2006
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Well, I'm new to cory's but I love the cute little beggars, really entertaining little fishey's. :wub:

So I get home from work yesterday, and as always, go to my tank for a quick head count. Plus I like the fact that a lot of my fish swim up to the front when I'm there looking in.

So I'm counting my cory's (6 cory trilineatus) 1...2...3...4...5... where's the 6th one?

Then a wiggling catches my eye and I see the last little cory. He somehow managed to get himself wedged into a tiny hole in the big piece of wood that's in there. All I can see is this little cory face, looking at me, wiggling from side to side trying to get out.

OMG! :crazy: How on earth did he get in there! And how the hell am I going to get him out! He was truly wedged in up to his neck.

So I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a chopstick from the drawer. Tried to get it underneath him, but he's still wedged. Then (bless him, I think he knew I was trying to help) he stayed still and laid to one side. I got the chopstick down his left side and levered him out!

He popped out like a little cory champagne cork! :lol:

Moral of the story is - chopsticks are not just for eating chinese! Always have 1 handy. :D

PS: He was fine after his ordeal, eating and swimming as normal
:lol: :lol: :lol: ingenious solution!

good on you for getting him free and I'm lad he's well now :D
:lol: very glady to hear the little chappie is fine again!

Good thing you noticed in time ! :good:
I know! I have no idea how long the poor little guy had been there. He looked relieved when he popped out! Silly fishey! :D
Poor little thing, glad it all worked out well in the end. :D They are silly little things.

Hi Bex :)

Good for you and your little cory! :clap: I just love to read stories that have a happy ending! :D

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