A Rant To This Petsore


Fish Herder
Feb 11, 2007
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I am ranting about a petstore in ventura and I am not sure if I spelled that right but I went to a petstore to just look at some bettas when I saw A male crowntail with his tail a little bigger than a females. But I could not take him becasue I was already stuck with You Beta.I saw another VT in the same store who had half a missing tail!
I think it was a petco but it was clean and had clean fish water and everything its just the betta tails were messed up!
You should call the store and politely explain to the manager (don't talk to some lowly peon if at all possible) that the bettas on display are sickly and need proper caring for. If they don't do anything about it, you can report them to animal protection and control. You can find their number easily by contacting your local humane society. If you saw a puppy with a half chewed off leg, would you let it slide? Why should fish be so poorly treated? Animal abuse is animal abuse IMHO.
If you saw a puppy with a half chewed off leg, would you let it slide? Why should fish be so poorly treated? Animal abuse is animal abuse IMHO.

it's all animal abuse. just because fish dont "whine" they arent cared for.
ok you said they had clean water and such right? torn tails don't necessarily mean they're being poorly taken care of, they could just be tail biters.
is it likely to have more than one tail biter at a store at once? i've only seen aladdin at any of the stores by me with no tail and i dont think he's a biter - it's growing in nicely.
You know, I didn't know until just a couple of days ago that bettas will bite their own tails. I wonder if it's a behavioral trait that they exhibit when confined to too-small spaces, much like elephants will "rock" back and forth in zoos.

Mistx- You need to post pics of Aladdin. I want to see his tail growth!
I never knew bettas chew there own tails sometimes. Like dogs who chase there tails
Well I hope my male dont get bored becasue I do not live here so he is just in a plastic thing bored as could be.

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