A Question And An I.d


Feb 23, 2006
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Harlow, Essex
Right im a little confused about my polyps they seem to of dissapeared can anyone tell me what has happened???

They went from this.

To this????

Also whats this red stuff growing I have a fair amount of it but have no clue as to what it is?

Well that other stuff is a plating calcaerous algae, I have some of it too :). Always good to have pretty algaes like that.

As for the Zoas, predatory nudibranchs/fish/crabs/fireworms/sundial snails come to mind...
All I have noticed is I did have a hermit a while ago living in the middle of all the polyps if you took it out it would go straight back there.
Zoanthids have all sorts of predators that can easily make their way into a tank. I'm sure SkiFletch will tell you that even large populations can remain undetectable for a long time.
Zoanthids have all sorts of predators that can easily make their way into a tank. I'm sure SkiFletch will tell you that even large populations can remain undetectable for a long time.

Tell me about it, friggin sundial snails :angry:
Ive had them 6 months and this has only happend in the last 2 weeks I dont really know what to do about it I dont hae a QT tank.
Use a red flash light or a regular light with red film over the lens and watch the zoas at night, look for snails, crabs or tiny bugs that you didnt put in the tank.

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