A question about growouts


If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
Reaction score
Wyoming, brrrr!
Hello. I was wondering if a breeder had more than one spawn that was the same age/size, could the be in the same grow out tank after the spawing tank? I have two growouts so this isn't a problem for me, but I was just thinking about the breeders that have 10 spawns at once :S
I was kinda wondering the same thing myself. I'm moving my CT's to a 20 tonight for a couple of weeks while I clear out the 55 (jar the girls) and I think (think) that I'm going to move the deltas to the 20 too, I think (think) I'm going to put both spawns together and try it out. There's only 5 days difference between the two and if I put them together early enough, it might be ok.

Since I plan on spawning again this week, I need the extra growouts for the younger crowd. I'll let ya know how it goes for me. I'd like to hear what others have to say about it too :)
I've heard of breeders doing this, so I don't see a problem. The only reason I wouldn't is if the 2 spawns are very close in color causing me to not know which fry came from which spawn. Now if you don't care then that's not a problem, but for me, I need to know who the parents are, so it would be a problem. So I could mix a red spawn with a Turq or steel spawn with no problem, but I couldn't mix a Turq spawn with a steel spawn.


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