a question about bettas!


Fish Gatherer
Jan 31, 2005
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hi i went to get a betta about a week ago i kno its a bit late but o well,anyway i went to get a betta and i was soooo excited about my first betta there was lots to choose from it took me about 20 mins to decide which one i wanted but i had chosen it was a blue and white crowntail he was beautiful.

i went to look for someone who works there in the shop and he asked how long i have had the tank up for and i said a week and ahalf and he said that for a betta tank the tank should be set up for over 6 months is that true :eek:

if it isnt true i just think he didnt like me lol.
How big is the betta tank? My bettas are in 1g tanks thats never been cycled. I do 100% water changes about 1-2 times a week.
i think its a 4 gal with 1 plant that has been set up for 3 weeks now.

so i dont have to cycle it

if i should should i use a snail?
Does it have a filter? It would be better to cycle if it does. I have my boys in 1g tanks, so I do 100% water changes every few days. Their tanks aren't cycled. If you dont cycle the tank then you'll have to do water changes very frequently to avoid trouble. Lets wait and get advice from the experts..I'm still a beginner.
You really only need to worry about cycling unfiltered tanks. If he's just in like a bowl or something simaler, there is no need. You can even set it up the day you use it. Keeping it set up longer doesn't cycle it anyways.

EDIT! whoops. typos!
I have 5 Bettas one in an unfiltered 1G, 1 in an unfiltered 2.5G, one in an unfiltered 5G and 2 in a filtered 10G. I didn't cycle any of these tanks. I do 100% water changes on all the smaller tanks 2-3 times a week. I do a partial water change on the 10G 3-4 times per week. I don't think you need to cycle the tank before you add the betta. That is one good thing about them, they are extremely hardy. Look at what they have to live in in the fish stores. Tiny cups with an inch of water. If they are lucky they are in 1/2G bowls. I don't think the person at your LFS knew what he was talking about. Or maybe like you said he doesn't like you :fun: .

Enjoy your betta, they are such beautiful creatures.

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