A Planted Aquarium


Fish Crazy
Feb 25, 2007
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Ok, so I am gradually converting my 25 gallon into a planted aquarium, right now I have one large sword plant, and 3 or 4 small ones, the rest are plastic.

I went to the ol' LFS today and saw Iron supplements, plant food, a special plant substrate, CO2 diffusers, etc. I also saw special full-spectrum/plant flourescent light bulbs.

Which of these, if any is necessary in a planted aquarium??? I especially would like to know about the light bulbs. I have a normal GE house bulb in my hood. Should I get a special full spectrum bulb from the pet shop or is it basically just the same thing? (Note that I am not going all out with the live plants, just gradually replacing plastic ones) Your help is appreciated as always!!
Ok, so I am gradually converting my 25 gallon into a planted aquarium, right now I have one large sword plant, and 3 or 4 small ones, the rest are plastic.

I went to the ol' LFS today and saw Iron supplements, plant food, a special plant substrate, CO2 diffusers, etc. I also saw special full-spectrum/plant flourescent light bulbs.

Which of these, if any is necessary in a planted aquarium??? I especially would like to know about the light bulbs. I have a normal GE house bulb in my hood. Should I get a special full spectrum bulb from the pet shop or is it basically just the same thing? (Note that I am not going all out with the live plants, just gradually replacing plastic ones) Your help is appreciated as always!!
all you need is lights and CO2
Ok, so I am gradually converting my 25 gallon into a planted aquarium, right now I have one large sword plant, and 3 or 4 small ones, the rest are plastic.

I went to the ol' LFS today and saw Iron supplements, plant food, a special plant substrate, CO2 diffusers, etc. I also saw special full-spectrum/plant flourescent light bulbs.

Which of these, if any is necessary in a planted aquarium??? I especially would like to know about the light bulbs. I have a normal GE house bulb in my hood. Should I get a special full spectrum bulb from the pet shop or is it basically just the same thing? (Note that I am not going all out with the live plants, just gradually replacing plastic ones) Your help is appreciated as always!!

Im getting the feeling you'd go Low tech, but you'd have to clarify that.
Firstly I would advise you to read the pinned topics in the Planted Forum. These should give you an idea of things and then after that feel free to ask any questions in the Planted Forum.
all you need is lights and CO2

Here is my planted tank. Admitedly they are low maintanance plants but there is no CO2 and only a single fluoro tube (life glow I think). I add occasional liquid fertaliser thats it.



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