A Picture Of My Community Tank


Fish Crazy
Jan 7, 2008
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here's a shot of what my community tank looks like right now :unsure:

it's not much really, but i'm still learning alot from this forum :good:

i somehow hope ya'll like my tank ;)

very nice!!
looks lovely and clear too

i`m like you as in i learn something (infact lots) of new stuff here everyday!!

keep up the good work

shelagh xx
whats ur current stocking plz
1 rubbernose pleco
1 golden algae eater
2 green corys
2 albino corys
2 peppered corys
2(M+F) red platys
2(Fs) sunset platys
2(M+F) red mickeys
3(1M+2F) red swordtails
4 male guppies
8 female guppies
10 neon tetras

yea, i don't know why i don't have a background! might paint the tank black soon! haha! :)

thanks everyone for your kind words! :good: :good:

can't wait to get another tank started in a few weeks cause this tank is done with! :p :D 8) :nod: :hey: :hyper:
Your tank looks great :cool: , I wish my plant were looking that good.

However keep an eye on that golden algae eater as they are known to go crazy and be incredibly territorial as they get older :crazy:
Your tank looks great :cool: , I wish my plant were looking that good.

However keep an eye on that golden algae eater as they are known to go crazy and be incredibly territorial as they get older :crazy:
yea, i've been hearing alot of rumors on here that they tend to do that :angry:

i guess i'll somehow convince my cousin to take over the GAE, that way i can get a Bristlenose Pleco :good: :D
If I were you I would take the amazon sword out of it's pot. Give it more room to send those roots out.
Nice tank.
If I were you I would take the amazon sword out of it's pot. Give it more room to send those roots out.
Nice tank.
ohhh yeeaaa! thanks for reminding me! i knew i always forget to do something with the amazon sword plant! :good: :lol:

EDIT: ok, finally took the sword outta the pot... gotta get used to not having the pot anymore lol
The on;y fault i can pick oout is that you have all the plants in a line (or it looks like it) try moving the outer plants forward to the front a bit to give it some shape, you can always move them back if it doesn't work. :)

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