A pic of my tank


New Member
Feb 4, 2003
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Hay everyone,
Here is a pic of my tank. It is a 100gal plain old rectangular tank.
I have just moved to a small towm and have a problem trying to find nice choice of fish.
At the moment there are:
1 6" Pleco
5 Harlequins
3 female Rosey Barbs
2 Golden Barbs
3 Tiger Barbs

The plants are all fake and came from hobby stores. I took this pic tonight and noticed that a Rosey and a Golden were egg scattering, shame the Tigers love caviar so much.

Later :) :D :rolleyes:


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Gorgeous tank there! Keep up the good work!! B)
Interesting to note that your livestock is exceptionally small for such a large aquarium.

You prefer the smaller fish over some of the larger Catfish & Cichlids, AM? Or were they simply chosen because they are more convenient & conventional to keep?
I did have 3 x 5" Bala Sharks, a shoal of Cherry Barbs and few more Goldens.
But a dose of white spot that took care of those.

As for the size of fish, yes I do prefer the smaller fish. Another factor is the lack of any aqautic stores (zero) in my area. I will be doing a 200mile round trip tomorrow to add some new stock. :D I can't wait!!!

Not sure what to get yet but thinking about some Pakistani loach, red fin black shark and probebly more Barbs to replace the ones I lost.

I will take some pics of them. Later ;)
Nice tank! I can tell you are sencible and fairly experienced with tanks with no young kids or siblings around! I think we all agree that if there were, there would be over 100 fish in there!

Bottom Line: Awsome tank! :nod:
Thanks for the kind words people.

The only reason I do not have 100 fish is there is nowhere to get them round here.

I did take a road trip and bought several fish which included 2 clown loaches. For some reason both loaches disappeared after a week. I have looked in all the nooks and cranies but nothing - not even a skeleton?? :(

The rest are doing just fine. Them's the breaks I guess....

Later. :)

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