A perfect community?

Fish Friend

New Member
Oct 30, 2004
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I have just got all my fish. I am very worried though. A relative,(in the bussiness for 40 years) guided me through. However, informed me that this cycling bussiness is rubbish, and bought:3 brittlenose catfish, 2 sucking loaches, 12 neon tetras, 6guppys(2 male, 4 female), 4 swordfish (1young male(tiny sword). 3 females) 1 betta(siamese fighter male), 1 red-tailed-black-shark. 1 week later, i catfish, 1 female guppy down. will they survive? and will they live in harmony? please answer. :dunno:
Welcome to the forum(s) :p

What size tank?

As for cycling, I think your in trouble if all those fish are in an un cycled tank. The ammonia in the water will build up, burning their gills and scales, until they die :crazy:

As for your fish, the betta may kill your male guppies, the sucking loach may attack your other fish (if it is actually a Chinese algae eater). Certain fish may nip your betta too -_-
Good luck
Cycling is not rubbish. You will be cycling your tank, only with fish as the ammonia source. Several of the species you listed there are sensitive to nitrogen pollution, I suspect they will die.

You don't say how big your tank is, so it is difficult to comment really accurately.

Sucking loaches are bad community fish. As they get larger, they become more territorial, and aggressive. The Red Tailed Shark is also something that can become a problem as it gets older, and I suspect it will hate the sucking loaches.
yeah, the betta will get ts fins niped (most likely) and never put a betta in with bright colord fish, maybe you can get a few galln bowl or something for him
:rofl: Your friend makes me laugh "cycling is rubbish". Well.... NOW YOUR PAYING FOR IT! If you can, bring a sample of your water to a fish store to be tested for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate(products of the cycling process). If there's ANY traces of ammonia or nitrite, this will be cause of your fishes deaths. To read more about how these products can quickly suffocate and poison your fish if the cycle is not completed cyling read HERE .
Right now i would just reduce feedings(this reduces waste, therefor reduces ammonia) and increase oxygen either by increasing your water changes or turning your filter on higher.
If your water is fine, i would suspect your shark, they are quite aggressive and reach large sizes. Also, try to find what kind of sucking loach you have. Is it a: siamese alage eater or maybe a Chinese algae eater(these get very aggressive as the age)? Also your betta may attack your male guppies b/c they will confuse them as other males bettas b/c of the long, colourful tails.
Good luck and keep us updated.
:hi: to the forum. Introduce yourself in the newbie section.

I'm afraid you will have to do research on cycling in order to see the fault in your relative's assumption. :/ I'm afraid he was wrong unless you have a 200+ gallon tank. :no: Yuo should be able to find ample information on cycling by using the search option on this forum or just asking the question in the beginner's section.

The max length of the CAE is 9.5-11", so it will get rather big for any tank other tahn a 55+. Also, they quickly give up feeding on algae discs and attack the ther fish (sucking on their slime coats). This is very stressful, if not out-and-out detrimental, to the victim and should be prevented.

I would like to say, though, that the 1:3 ratio you have for your swords was a good idea. :nod: And so is the guppy ratio (though perhaps not anymore).
My tank is 13 gallon. all my fish are small, my biggest fishes( betta, red tailed black shark) are arond 2 inches.thanks about the compliment. my reltive started fishkeeping when a was 10, over 40 yrs ago. He thinks he knows best. i jave tested my nitrite/ammonia. neither looking good. suggested cycling, but he wouldnt have it. dont wanna see my fish die :byebye:

P.S Laura, i think i have a chinese algae eater pair
A 13 gallon??!?!? With all those fish? :crazy: :eek: I would seriousily think about returning over half of those fish or getting atleast a 50gallon tank right now.
In a 13 gallon i would maybe reccomend the 5 guppies but thats it. Even still those fish will multiply quick and you'll soon be over crowded again. I would return your CAEs for somehtign less larger and aggressive. I would seriously reccomend Ottos, they stay small and are non aggressive. Just make sure to buy 2 or more b/c they school.
Whats are your readings exactly of the ammonia and nitrite??
Death-trap, I fear.

Though, don't feel too bad, I had 17 fish in a five gallon when I started.

Your options: give fish back for store credit and get a bigger tank.

Can you afford to get a 45+ tank? This would help the problem greatly.

The problem, all your fish save the guppies and the betta will get either too big or way too big for that tank. :/ Sorry to have to tell you that. :/

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