A pair of BN plecos

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Jun 14, 2004
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I have 5 bronze cories in my 33G (36" by 12.5") and would like to add a pair of BN plecos to take care of algae. Is this enough space, as I know they'd all be hanging out and be competing for food and territory in the same level of the tank...
should be alright :thumbs:
just supply a good amount of food,and some vegies :nod:

Should be ok.

However dont get two males because i hear that they will fight when they get bigger? (if this is wrong please correct me)
I wouldn't put 2 in a 33 - I have 2 in my 77 and they have made a considerable difference. I don't think there's enough algae in a 33 for 2 plecs unless you really supplement their diet.
we breed them in a 15gal...

2 full sized and MANY fry... They are fine - you just haver to keep up with the cleaning.
Thanks for the replies.

cometcattle, no, I'm not wanting to breed them, just for algae clean up and because I enjoy looking at plecos.

So if I get 2 males, then they'd fight for territory? And you distinguish between males and females by looking to see whether they have bristles or not, right? Breeding tanks are a different story as that's not their permanent home.

I know they're a messy fish, but I have 370GPH on my tank, and do w/c of 10 gallons every week. Once my tank is fully stocked, I'll prolly want to play around with my water changes until I find a suitable number that I can stick to.

I'm getting the BN from a breeder, the same breeder that squeeker got her ones from... (Thanks for the heads up! :D ) So I'll just get 1 first, and see whether a 2nd one is needed later on.
You're welcome!

Did u bid on any of the bn's at the auction yesterday?
Did you pick up any good deals? I know I did! :thumbs:
Yea, they were too expensive. They were too small as well, an inch the most. Plus, I didn't want 2 or 3, just 1.... The min. bid was $5 and so I didn't even consider... How much did you buy your BN for and how big was it again?

Did you stay till the end? Who won the tank? I left at around 5 because there was nothing else I was interested in, and plus I had some work to do. Did manage to get some good deals though, just nothing on fish.

big bag of filter floss - $4
2/3 bag of eco complete - $10
bag of java moss - $6, and
a lot of pennywort - $6

That's pretty much it. I saw you buying a betta from Tim, did you get a female as well? I also met Undawada from these forums (and OVAS) for the first time as well, he works in Carleton's ITV section.
Yah, they were REALLY small, and VERY overpriced. I got mine for $2.50 each from the lady in Ottawa, one is about 3", the other 2.5".

I stayed til the end, and an asian family who was sitting behind me won the tank. It was actually the kid's ticket, and he was SUPER excited. Wish it was me!

Yup, I got a melano delta from Tim, and a female as well. Bargain for $6! I also picked up a bag of java moss (more than I thought in that bag!), one of those huge anubias barteri, some gravel, and a bubble wand for a buck.
Man, those anubias.b were HUGE! How much did you pay for it? The big ones were going for around 15-20, but still cheaper than if you buy a smaller one at lfs's...

And yea, didn't wanna bid on the BN's cos' I knew I could just get them from the breeder direct, and cheaper. And yea, my clump of java moss looks a lot bigger in the tank now! Not that I'm complaining tho'... :D

What do you plan on doing w/ the bettas? Breed them?
Yah, huge, and worth the $17 I paid. I was happy with that, wish I had gone for 2! I had enough Java fern for 2 tanks! And you can NEVER have enough Java moss. If you do, there is always someone willing to take it off your hands.

Those BN's at the auction were so small, and so pale... not a good bet. The ones from the local lady are in much better condition.

I would like to try breeding bettas, someday... too much school work ATM.
Nice to hear someone else got good deals as well. Undawada who was with me got a Magnum 150 for $25.

Can't wait for pics of the plant in the tank, I'm sure it'll look great! And yea, I know what you mean about school work, it's just killing me as well! :X

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