A nice alternative to the betta vase

Betta's should have at LEAST 1 gallon to swim in.
They should have some type of filtration.
And it's preferable if they have a heater too.

c'mon, if people really want a betta they will go out and get a small aquarium and do it the right way. unfortunatly, many people buy bettas thinking of it as more of a decoration than a living animal. makes me sick...... :sick: .......grrrr :grr:
Just a note to buggyboutbettas - It sorta seemed like you jumped on Auratus for posting her find, I could be totally wrong, it just read that way to me. Anyways, she was saying this is a much better alternative to the betta vase, which it is. It doesn't have a live plant as an only source of food, it's not extremely tiny, and that site has directions. The tank you posted as a better alternative is about the same size, to tell you the truth. It's not quite a gallon. It does include a filter, which is nice, but not necessary. Bettas do live in stagnant water. I'm not sayin it isn't healthy for them to have a filter, because it is of course, but I don't believe it's necessary.
I know it's not the best and I would never keep a betta in a set up like that. I'm just saying it's better then the vase for people who want bettas and plants.

Bettas can easily jump out of tanks like that. I like tanks with lids. That setup on ebay provided a lid.

And that tank is only like 1/2 to 3/4 of a gallon. Not any bigger then a bowl.

I've seen bettas in those setups in the lfs and they had the filter so high that the betta was just laying under a plant because if he tried to swim around the current knocked him around.
both I think are better alternatives to the flower vase. But i prefer the 2.5 gallon betta divider. It is a nice set up and I got one for my daughters Bday. I cant wait for her Bday. She is going to set it up her self., I will help but it wil be her doings if you will. It will have the azoo palm filter on it also so that shouldnt be a problem. :D
It is definitely a better arrangement than the betta in a vase. Atleast it mentions that you have to feed them, of course the plant is synthetic. I would be much happier to see a fish in an set up like that than a peace lily set up, at least I would know that the fish was getting some care. I have realized that having bettas as a hobby/pets you have to pick your battles. This is better than a lot I have seen in petcetera one vase I saw was so narrow the fish would not be able to turn around properly.
Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to for it to sound that way. I just wanted to explain to any newbie’s that might read this thread that putting a betta in that still isn't a very good idea. Sorry Auratus.

Oh almost forgot, bettas need filtration just like any other fish. sure they live in fairly stagnant waters but those waters are part of a huge eco system that has natural filtration and beneficial bacteria. it's impossible for a filtered tank to completely copy the natural ecosystem let alone a vase.

Please don't take anything I say personally. I'm just stating my educated opinion.
My ten gallon tanks cost me $10 each. I can't bring myself to use anything smaller than 5 gallons a betta. To each his own, they say.

Btw, filtration is good as long as it doesn't create too much of a current. Bettas do prefer slow moving water. :ninja:

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