A New Newbie Here

Jul 25, 2005
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hey guy's,

yes ima newbie. well lets see here..my best friend has 2 55gallon tanks..and his grandpa gave him a 40 and a 10g. wel he din't have room so i ended up picken em up. so yea now i have 2 40's and a 10 gallon. i cleaned them both our rill well. set up the stand n all. put the 40 i had already on the bottom. its got a turtle in it. n then i put the 40 he gave me up top. the 10 is on my dressor. well i set both the tanks up. ran em for about a week. everything looked great. water was stayin clear. looked good. i kept minnows n both tanks to make sure they were ready..minnows lived..so i baught 6 rainbow tetras for the 10 and 2 black n silver tetras also. for the 40 i baught 2 red belly pirahna's,2 silver dollars,an algea eater,and a needle fish. well all but 1 tetra died..thats wen i baught the black neon or w/e tetras. a silver dollar and the algea eater died. and petsmart has a 14 day gurantee..so i took all the fish back and they gave me fresh ones. well i come home n put n the new fish..2 pirahna's died along with a silver dollar..im pretty much going to give up. lol i put all the fish n the 10 gallon. alls i have left r the tetras,a needle fsh,some rosy reds for the needle fish,a silver dollar,and an algea eater. so yea all those fish are n the 10 now. i cleaned out the 40. rinsed all the gravel. cleaned the tank out rill well..dumped it..put fresh water i it..and then put the proper amoutn of this chemical that makes tap water safe for fish. i then put 1 minnow n there..my turtle eats minnows..so yea i put a minnow n there and everything is lookin great n then 40. im still not gonna put my regular fish n there. hence i kno about the new tank bacteria deal. it was pretty cloudy n there and i think thats why my fish were die'n.

well thats al for now..


i don't have anything to test the water, alls i have are these chemicals to make tap water safe for fish and this stuff that gets rid of cloudy water. i guess i do needa pick up a tester huh
Welcome HB142!!!

A test kit will help if you come accross problems, an accurate one at that. The liquid sets are the best.

Have fun.

Please don't ask fish questions they will be moved to another forum!
Thought I would point that out...you'll get more responses if you post this in the "Tropical Chit Chat" section.
this stuff is confusing..lol i sware this is the most confusing forum i've ever been on..this is my first fishy one but alright i'll live.

yea ima go down to petsmart and pick up some more fish,along with a tester and some other things.
how come you havent done a fishless cycle and why did you use minnows to test the tank and expect them to die????????? thats just cruel
You do have a heater, right?

Mate, don't put any more pirahnas in a community, they are predatory.

Also Silver Dollars get pretty big and are psychos IME. I'd steer clear of them too, especially if you're starting out.

What type of Algae eater? If it's a Chinese one, you're better off without it as it'll get old and develop a taste for it's tankmates.

Don't take it like I'm having a pop, but you now have the perfect opportunity to do some reading and develop a strategy for what will live together.

Just checking also, did you just use hot water to clean the tap, or washing up liquid or anything? Stick to hot clean water.

Ps. I'd avoid places like Petsmart if I were you, they give crap advice, and the fish are not usually that healthy in my expericence. Find a decent fish shop- garden centers are among the best ones around here.
Make sure all amonium and nitrates are normal along with the ph. You can buy test kits at your lfs. Other than that im not really sure what your problem is. Was there any signs of infections of fungus?
Hi there :D You really need to slow down and read the fishless cycling thread on beginners section. Have a bit of patience then start stocking with appropriate fish. Pirrhanas can only be housed alone as they are predatory fish ie:will eat other fish. In a 40g go for community fish. You have a lot of choice so slow down and enjoy!!!!
michael- i din't expect the friken minnows to die. they din't die anyways. the only thing thats die'n r these tetras cause of white spots.

jules-yes i have a heater,and no this isn't a community tank. they r only semi aggresive fish in it. the algea eater isn't a chinese one. it starts with a p. but when i first baught these fish i thaught i was gettin an algea eater.(petsmart DOES suck) and it ended up being a 30dollar cat fish..well i got it for the price of the algea eater which was 2 bux. so i was complain'n. i did use tap water. and i also used this stuff called aquasafe..makes tapwater safe for fish. yea and petsmart is the only fish place that i kno of. theres another one a lil further away call :eisure time pet n hobbies.. but they don't have jack as in fish..they have a couple aquariums..only 1 shelf thats like 20 by 10 of fish aquarium things including pumps,plants,and food. petmart beats thiem in selection wise by a mile.

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