A new home


Fish Crazy
Jul 5, 2003
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Hi everyone, I'm sure some of you remember I just adopted two new bettas well, today, after getting to know each of them, I took one of the betta and put him in a 5.5 gallon with the others fishes. :p I have two albino cory, two black skirt tetra, one male guppy and now I've added the male betta and he is loving it. :fun: He looked so beautiful in there! :wub: I knew he is the one to be in that tank because when he was in the duel bettahex with the other male betta, he never flared at him. The other one(blue) keep flaring at him so I knew he might hurt my other fishes. :crazy: I will put blue in his own tank by himself. I have a one gallon tank which is where I will put him in soon as the baby guppies are old enough and will be moved to the bigger tank.

It's really too bad two male can't be in the same tank. They are so beautiful! :wub:
Well, as I watched my blue betta, I decided to spoil him and get him a new one gallon tank. I don't think I could wait until my guppies fry is old enough. Besides, this one gallon tank fit perfectly on my desk! I got it set up, let it run awhile and now he is swimming happlily! It almost looks like he is doing some kind of water dance. This way he will have my undivided attention whenever I'm using my computer. :D

As for my red betta, he is completly happy with the other fishes and he looks amazing with his red body and long fins.

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