A Most Unexpected Problem Has Arisen


Fish Crazy
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
London, England
I’ve recently cloned a Juwel Rio 180 & was in phase 3 of my stocking which was to move my troublesome RTBS along with my L001 Plec into the new tank netting went really well & the move was done. Well imagine my surprise to see the Pakistani loaches (which I moved in a couple of weeks ago in phase 2) attacking the RTBS needless to say I’ve rescued him as I was worried for his barbels as this seemed the focus of their attack they do look damaged but seems ok otherwise is this going to be a problem? Got to say I was more worried it would happen the other way around :no: :angry:

It's the morning after all is well he's back in the old tank i know he's feeling better as he's back to chasing his favourite cory horrible little beeping beep beep

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