A Meal Fit For A Reedfish


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
Reedfish aka ropefish aka snakefish eating tesco value prawns
click thumbnails for larger images

thanks for looking
as they will reach 30" and will eat anything
they can fit in their mouths, no not suitable for comunities.
the first two shots are of the runt,
the others are of my largest one.
the middle one is very elusive and I can't get a pic of him

I have three in total
Nice pics wolf :thumbs: I could never get pictures of mine :p

I disagree about them not fitting into communities. They get very long, but unlike bichirs they stay relativley thin, so a medium sized community (4"+ long, deep bodied fish, pearl gourami for example) would be fine IME :)
great pictures.they are so cute.ive got 3 reed fish but havent tried mine on prawns yet but Im going to get some tomorrow now ive seen your pictures! :D

how big are your reedfish?
No, ropefish (reedfish, or snakefish, whichever your preference) are close relatives to bichirs, but belong to a separate genus all on their own. Most bichirs don't grow as long as ropefish, but they (bichirs) grow to be very thick :)
Nice pics wolf :thumbs: I could never get pictures of mine :p

I disagree about them not fitting into communities. They get very long, but unlike bichirs they stay relativley thin, so a medium sized community (4"+ long, deep bodied fish, pearl gourami for example) would be fine IME :)

i agree with this. they get long and not wide. if the fish WON'T fit in its mouth, chances are that it can go with them. so depending on the community that they are going in they should be ok. the 4"+ rule sounds right to me. they are the collst little things and want to get some myself, probably not in the near future though :/
just thought id let you know I tried my 3 reeds on prawns......love em!
great idea thanks wolf :D
Mine seem to really like freeze dried crickets and frozen squid.

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