A Live Rock?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 23, 2012
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California, U.S.
I'm just curious of something here. I was talking to my beau, and he said that this rock I unearthed on a beach, whilst in Fiji, looked like a "live rock". I'm very vaguely educated on the things, and I wanted positive identification, and an explanation of what I would have to do, aside from scrubbing it and soaking it thoroughly, to use it safely in my freshwater tank, in the near future. That is, if I can safely use it at all...

Otherwise, I'll let this remain a mere token of memory of visiting my family's home.

Here are some pictures of the hunk o' mineral, shown below. I appreciate any help or analysis on this.

(EDIT: I would use this specifically in a freshwater tank, if I could, and I think it's obvious that I can't move this thing a single inch in my grasp without creating a sandstorm. ._.)

Note that these are all the same rock, with different angles shown.



Did you find it actually in the water or was it dry when you found it? Even it it has been a live rock, if it had dried out it's now dead :p I'd leave it somewhere warm to dry out and kill all the little beasties that may be inside, then a good wash in hot water should sort anything else out. I'm not sure what kind of rock it actually is, though, so be wary of it possibly changing the chemistry of your water.
Did you find it actually in the water or was it dry when you found it? Even it it has been a live rock, if it had dried out it's now dead :p I'd leave it somewhere warm to dry out and kill all the little beasties that may be inside, then a good wash in hot water should sort anything else out. I'm not sure what kind of rock it actually is, though, so be wary of it possibly changing the chemistry of your water.

I see... Thank you.

I actually found it under a foot and a half of sand right on a beach that meets with the Pacific Ocean, so I'm sharp about getting all of the sand out of it.

It truthfully has been sitting in a box in my home for a little over two years, as of now. I can understand the rock still needing a good soak and sunbath. I'm gonna continue on looking a bit for a speculation by a knowledgeable source as to what it may be made of.

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