A Little Update And Appology


Fish Herder
Jun 19, 2010
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Hi guys,

Sorry I've been quiet (ish!) compared to normal! My comp broke so I'm stick with my phone until I can get a new laptop! Which means 2 things I'm not here as much to bother you all :lol: and the resource centre is going at a very slow pace! :sad:

Anyway here's my tank. Current occupants after my crash!! Are 2 baby clowns, an angel and a neon goby!! I plan on adding a yellow canary wrasse very soon!! As soon as I find one!

Missed ya! Ive been a tad busy and not helped you with stuff so I am sorry! Got a few days off so maybe I can do some :D
Thanks guys! No worrys weez! Ur tanks back on track now so you'll be busy with that!
i have been pretty absent aswell :( what with the baby and all lol.
tanks looking good mate.
I missed the update!! She had it mate? Congratulations!! :D
Thats a nice looking toady :good:

Lewis you will never believe what the Dark Lord has been getting his little princess doing, check out his thread :fun:

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